[WJG](17/April/2006) It's often useful to keep lists of unique items but those lists need to be of fixed length. Adding a new item to the list, means that the oldest item has to be deleted: a 'recent documents' list for example. Here's a simple solution. Indeed, it's so simple that the comments are longer than the code itself! #--------------- # lshift.tcl #--------------- proc lshift {l i} { # if the item already exists, just return the list back if {![lsearch $l $i]} {return $l} # insert new item at the top set l [linsert $l 0 $i] # delete the one at the end return [lrange $l 0 end-1] } #--------------- # the ubiquitous demo #--------------- proc demo {} { # just for the linux users catch {console show} # create a list foreach a {apple pear bannana} { lappend fruit $a } # the list before changes puts $fruit # cherry will be added, bannana will go set fruit [lshift $fruit cherry] puts $fruit # we already have cherry, no change set fruit [lshift $fruit cherry] puts $fruit } demo ---- [MG] Apr 17 2006 - Did you know you can use ''lrange $list 0 end-1'' to trim the last element from the list, and avoid the [expr]? A couple of suggestions, too: it might be better if you could specify a maximum length instead (recent document/history lists won't always be fully populated, and the user may clear it). Also, if an item is already in the list, it could be better to bring it to the beginning, rather than do nothing. [WJG](17/April/2006) Following your comment, I have changed the lrange statement as you suggested. The overall list length; well, that could be adjusted by simply adding a new items to the list elsewhere. The suggestion about swapping is a good one. After all, if a file is to be re-loaded, it usually is the last one worked on. [WJG](17/April/2006) So, here we go. Here's a more complete example. Using the comments made by [MG]. It also concatenated the filepath listing in the cascade menu. [AK] (17/April/2006) Note that the updated version also fixed a bug in the first version above. The "![lsearch]" is wrong. The result of lsearch is '-1' for a non-existing element, and '>=0' for an existing one. An existing element at index 0 is not recognized as existing. This seems to be fixed in the new version below. Note that [tcllib]'s list op package (struct::list) has a shift command as well, but with completely different semantics. I consider the command here useful enough for inclusion into that tcllib module, however we will then have to find a different name for it. #--------------- # recentfiles.tcl #--------------- # Created by William J Giddings # 17/Apr/2006 #--------------- #--------------- # somewhere to keep private info #--------------- namespace eval recent { set cmd puts ;# default command called in menu set max 5 ;# maximum of 5 files in the list # build list to hold filenames for {set i 1} {$i<=$max} {incr i} { lappend files "--" } } #--------------- # update menus #--------------- proc recent:update {mnu fname} { # does this already exist in our list? #if {![lsearch $recent::files $fname]} { return } # recreate the menu destroy $mnu menu $mnu -tearoff 0 # make changes # 1) to the file list set recent::files [lshift $recent::files $fname] # 2) to the appropriate menu set i 1 foreach n $recent::files { # truncate the filename set j "[string range $n 0 10]../[file tail $n]" $mnu add command -label "$i) $j" -command "$recent::cmd \{$n\}" incr i } } #--------------- # lshift.tcl # http://wiki.tcl.tk/15758 # this modified version will bring existing # entries to the top #--------------- proc lshift {l i} { # if the item already exists, just return the list back set swap [lsearch $l $i] if {$swap!=-1} { set tmp [lindex $l $swap] # delete the old location set l [lreplace $l $swap $swap] # bring it to the front set l [linsert $l 0 $i] return $l } # insert new item at the top set l [linsert $l 0 $i] # delete the one at the end return [lrange $l 0 end-1] } #--------------- # the ubiquitous demo #--------------- proc demo {} { catch {console show} menu .menu . configure -menu .menu menu .menu.file -tearoff 0 .menu add cascade -menu .menu.file -label File .menu.file add command -label New.. -command fileNew .menu.file add command -label Open.. -command fileOpen .menu.file add cascade -label "Recent Documents" -menu .menu.file.recent .menu.file add separator .menu.file add command -label "Save As.." -command fileSave .menu.file add command -label Save -command fileSave .menu.file add separator .menu.file add command -label Exit -command fileExit set path {C:/Documents and Settings/William J Giddings/My Documents/} recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}apple.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}bannana.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}cherry.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}damson.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}elder.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}fig.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}damson.odt ;# this one should have no effect recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}grapefruit.odt recent:update .menu.file.recent ${path}fig.odt ;# this one, too, should have no effect } #--------------- # the ubiquitous demo! #--------------- demo ---- [Category Example]