[lil-logo.gif] '''http://runtimeterror.com/tech/lil/%|%LIL%|%''' (short for ''Little Interpreted Language'') is a small, highly dynamic scripting language designed to be easily embedded in existing applications written in C/C++ or [Free Pascal] (through a separate port) and licensed under the zlib license. LIL is inspired by (and looks very similar to) Tcl, although it is much smaller in scope (just a pair of c and h files designed to be used in a host program) and has many differences. Code written in LIL looks compact and more similar to Unix shells than other scripting languages. LIL implements safe interpreters, `downeval` (a "downlevel" command to be called from an `uplevel`) and allows you to customize what command `$varName` maps to. Some of its http://runtimeterror.com/tech/lil/readme.txt%|%commands%|% have different names than in Tcl 8.x. The scope rules differ in that global variables are visible inside functions by default. <>Language | Tcl Implementations