describes what key symbol values can be used with bind (any other commands?). ---- [[What is a key symbol?]] ---- Open a wish session and type bind . {puts %K} Then press any key or key combination to learn the keysym for your desired key binding ---- Is there any way to use accented characters (as used in many European languages) in bindings? I want, for example, Alt-e' (meant to be Alt pressed with an accented e) to be bound to a command. -- [CLN] 2001-06-11 [Peter Lewerin] 2001-06-30: bind . ... would seem to do what you want, but possibly only if you actually have a � key to press. At least for me, characters composed with dead keys don't fire the bindings, but character keys (e.g. adiaeresis on my keyboard) do. ---- [Tk syntax help] - [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming]