[Richard Suchenwirth] 2006-02-10 - Here is [a little image viewer], mildly twoken to run well in [Sepp] (using [eTcl] on [PocketPC]). It allows to view images at various zoom/subsample factors, as well as step through the current directory (with the "<" and ">" buttons). [http://mini.net/files/imgview.jpg] Care was taken that the script can both be tested stand-alone on a desktop, with the [Img] package, while on the little thing it uses the [Pixane] library. ---- if [catch {package require pixane}] { package require Img interp alias {} mkphoto {} image create photo -file } else { interp alias {} mkphoto {} piximg } namespace eval imgview { variable factor 1.0 variable types {*.gif *.jpg *.png *.xbm *.xpm} proc openImg {w {fn ""}} { variable files; variable types variable im1; variable dir if {$fn eq ""} { set fn [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes [list [list "All files" $types]]] if {$fn ne ""} { set dir [file dirname $fn] set files [lsort [eval glob -dir $dir -nocomplain $types]] } } if {$fn ne ""} { wm title $w [file tail $fn] catch {image delete $im1} set im1 [mkphoto $fn] scale $w.c list [file size $fn] bytes, [image width $im1]x[image height $im1] } } proc scale {w {n 1}} { variable im1; variable im2; variable factor set factor [expr {$factor*$n}] $w delete img catch {image delete $im2} set im2 [image create photo] if {$factor >= 1} { set f [expr int($factor)] $im2 copy $im1 -zoom $f $f } else { set f [expr round(1./$factor)] $im2 copy $im1 -subsample $f $f } $w create image 1 1 -image $im2 -anchor nw -tag img $w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all] } proc step {w fwd} { variable files; variable dir if ![info exists files] { set files [lsort [eval glob -nocomplain -dir $dir $types]] } if $fwd { set first [lindex $files 0] set files [concat [lrange $files 1 end] [list $first]] } else { set first [lindex $files end] set files [concat [list $first] [lrange $files 0 end-1]] } openImg $w $first } } #------ exported proc proc imgview {{filename ""}} { set w .iv if ![winfo exists $w] { toplevel $w wm geometry $w 240x268 frame $w.f button $w.f.open -text ... -command "imgview::openImg $w.c" button $w.f.+ -text + -command "imgview::scale $w.c 2" label $w.f.f -textvar imgview::factor -width 5 -bg white button $w.f.- -text " - " -command "imgview::scale $w.c 0.5" button $w.f.< -text < -command "imgview::step $w 0" button $w.f.> -text > -command "imgview::step $w 1" label $w.f.info -textvar info eval pack [winfo children $w.f] -side left -fill y canvas $w.c -xscrollcommand "$w.x set" -yscrollcommand "$w.y set" scrollbar $w.x -ori hori -command "$w.c xview" scrollbar $w.y -ori vert -command "$w.c yview" grid $w.f - -sticky ew grid $w.c $w.y -sticky news grid $w.x -sticky ew grid rowconfig $w 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfig $w 0 -weight 1 bind $w "imgview::scale $w.c 2" bind $w "imgview::scale $w.c 0.5" } imgview::openImg $w $filename wm deiconify $w; focus -force $w } if {[file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $argv0]} { wm withdraw . imgview bind all {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} } ---- [Category Development]