[[... documents ...]] As of 8.4, [http] only supports 1.0. [Pat Thoyts], October 2002: "... I got interested in enhancing the stock Tcl http package for HTTP/1.1. That is the Tcl http client. My mods are in the [tclsoap] CVS at [sourceforge] (because I can easily dump stuff there) but since then [Phil Dietz] has done more work on this." In [http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&frame=right&th=d5caca40bac5a72f], various people discuss 1.1, among other things; Pat summarizes the remarks in http://tclsoap.sourceforge.net/http.html . Interesting 1.1 aspects include persistent connections, required mode, PUT, keep-alive (?), certificates (?), ...