Hkassem useful tool Some tcl function needed in the data parsing. ** Quick Parse huge file ** ====== fforeach : file foreach is my implementation to speed up the file parsing line by line. fforeach will manage the open close, don't break it by return inside. Fill free to change the encoding : fconfigure $fforeach_fid -encoding utf-8 Here utf-8 support all world chars ====== ====== # hkassem at gmail dot com - 2016 proc fforeach {fforeach_line_ref fforeach_file_path fforeach_body} { upvar $fforeach_line_ref fforeach_line set fforeach_fid [open $fforeach_file_path r] fconfigure $fforeach_fid -encoding utf-8 while {[gets $fforeach_fid fforeach_line] >= 0} { # ------- FOREACH BODY ------------< uplevel $fforeach_body # ------END FOREACH BODY-----------> } close $fforeach_fid } ====== usage: ====== fforeach aLine "./mybigfile.txt" { # actions: do something with the line puts $aLine } ====== ** Array sort ** ====== # hkassem at gmail dot com - 2016 proc array_sort {index val _foreach_sorting_array_ref foreachsorting_command} { # _foreach_sorting_array_ref is a reference this mean equivalent to &array in C upvar $_foreach_sorting_array_ref arrref upvar $index i upvar $val v set x [list] foreach {k vl} [array get arrref] { lappend x [list $k $vl] } foreach e [lsort -integer -decreasing -index 1 $x] { #puts "$i,$v" set i [lindex $e 0] set v [lindex $e 1] # ------- FOREACH BODY ------------< uplevel $foreachsorting_command # ------END FOREACH BODY-----------> } } usage: set myarr(1) 20 set myarr(2) 10 set myarr(3) 30 array_sort index value myarr { # actions puts "$index $value" } output: 3 30 1 20 2 10 ====== ** Unique data remove duplicated elements ** ====== # hkassem at gmail dot com - 2016 proc uniq {data} { array set uniq_arr "" foreach e $data { set uniq_arr($e) "" } set res "" foreach {index val} [array get uniq_arr] { append res "$index " } return $res } ====== usage: ====== % uniq " A B A A B C" Res: A B C ====== ** Quick grep ** ====== # hkassem at gmail dot com - 2016 proc grep {data pattern} { set res "" foreach e [split $data \n] { if { [regsub -all "$pattern" $e {} data2] >= 1} { append res "$e\n" } } regsub "\\n$" $res "" res return $res } ====== usage: ====== %set data "hello grep\nfind me" %set res [grep $data "me"] %puts $res find me ====== <> tools