[Shin The Gin] This is my first attempt to save a running TclTk environment, to be sourced later. Shin, you should be more careful about generating tcl code. For instance, this line of code is asking for trouble: set ln "set $g \{$v\}" The first time you have a global variable with a space or special character, or a value with unbalanced braces, you're going to have a problem. Since tcl statements are lists of words, use list and all those problems will vanish in a puff of smoke: set ln [list set $g $v] [Shin The Gin] - Oops, I forgot the interpretive nature of subst. Corrected. ---- catch {package require Tk} # GLOBALS # proc codeForGlobals {} { set result "" foreach g [info globals] { set isArray [array exists ::$g] if {$isArray==1} { set ln "" set keys [array names ::$g] foreach k $keys { append ln "set $g" append ln "(" append ln $k append ln ") " append ln "{[lindex [array get ::$g $k] 1]}" append ln "\n" } } else { upvar ::$g v if {[string length "$v"]>0} { set ln [list set $g $v] } } append result "$ln\n" } return $result } # PROCEDURES # proc codeForProc {p} { set args [info args $p] set body [info body $p] return " proc $p {$args} { $body } " } proc codeForAllProcs {} { set result "" foreach p [info proc] { append result "[codeForProc $p]\n\n" } return $result } # WIDGETS # proc traverseWidgetTree {{win .}} { set result "$win " foreach w [winfo children $win] { append result "[traverseWidgetTree $w] " } return $result } proc codeForWidget {{win .}} { set class [winfo class $win] set class [string replace $class 0 0 [string tolower [string index $class 0]]] set cfg [$win configure] set result "" if {"$win"!="."} { set result "$class $win\n" } foreach o {aspect attributes client colormapwindows focusmodel geometry iconbitmap iconmask iconname maxsize minsize overrideredirect positionfrom resizable sizefrom state title} { if {[string length [wm $o $win]] > 0} { if {"$o"=="title"} { append result "wm $o $win \"[wm $o $win]\"\n" } else { append result "wm $o $win [wm $o $win]\n" } } } return $result } proc codeForWidgetTree {{win .}} { set result "" foreach w [traverseWidgetTree $win] { append result [codeForWidget $w] } return $result } proc environmentCode {} { set result "" append result codeForGlobals append result codeForAllProcs append result codeForWidgetTree . return $result } Calling ''environmentCode'' gives You a string containing the loadable tcl code to be saved or evaluated in another [interp], which would clone the current environment. In a next step, I'd try to regard namespaces so one could build an application interactively in a namespace and save it to a file of tcl code. A [Namespace Browser] would be nice here...