I like emacs tcl-eval-region/defun very much, but sometimes if I walk through my code, I get annoying output for some commands. This makes tcl-eval-region somehow ineffective. set temp {0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0} => 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This 2 elisp-functions do eval code of your source code the way tcl-eval-region does, but they prevent output by replacing ;;; with code without results before evaluating. I chose ;;; because one can use it without code becoming too dirty. set temp {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1};;; #output is canceled => set temp test; #output is not affected => test puts a;;; #output is not affected => a how-to-use the functions: copy & paste the code into a file with .el extension. M-x load-file that file and then use them as you would use tcl-eval-region. after you have invoked them in a source buffer once, you have key-bindings C-c C-r for tcl-eval-region-no-output and C-c C-l for tcl-eval-line-no-output. draw-back of this method: take care that you do not use ;;; for another purpose in the code you are evaluating via this functions. (defun tcl-eval-region-no-output () "my own tcl-eval-region, before sending a region to the tcl-process this function replaces ;;; with ;; set tcl-eval-no-output {} ;; in order to prevent unwanted outputs" (interactive) (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-r") 'tcl-eval-region-no-output) (let* ((proc (inferior-tcl-proc)) (s1 (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end))) (s2 (replace-regexp-in-string ";;;" ";; set tcl-eval-no-output {};;" s1))) (tcl-send-string proc s2)) ) (defun tcl-eval-line-no-output () "my own tcl-eval-line. before sending the tcl-code to the tcl-process it replaces ;;; => ;; set tcl-eval-no-output {} ;; in order to prevent unwanted outputs" (interactive) (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-l") 'tcl-eval-line-no-output) (let* ((proc (inferior-tcl-proc)) (s1 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))) (s2 (replace-regexp-in-string ";;;" ";; set tcl-eval-no-output {};;" s1)) (s3 (concat s2 "\n"))) (tcl-send-string proc s3) (next-line)) ) ---- [Category Dev. Tools]