[Richard Suchenwirth] 2013-11-30 - Another chapter in the [dis2asm] saga: The Tcl compiler converts [proc] bodies into [bytecode]. With tcl::unsupported::'''disassemble''' we can inspect the generated code in "dis" [assembler] notation. With tcl::unsupported::'''assemble''' we can convert a (somewhat different) assembler notation "[TAL]" to bytecode again. The job of [dis2asm] is to convert a string in "dis" to another string in TAL so the original proc works equally well. Looking at the [dis2asm] output, we sometimes notice that it produces code that could be better - in other words, "optimized": doing the same job in less bytecodes, and hence (at least marginally) less time. Examples: push {} pop is an absolutely redundant piece of code: first something is pushed on the stack, and then immediately popped off again. No effect, but 3 bytes in bytecode, and just a little more time needed to run. Or, the second and third line of jump Lxx label Lyy; jump Lzz are also redundant: because the code above jumps away, Lyy can only be reached by code that explicitly jumps there - only to be redirected to Lzz again. It might as well have directly jumped to Lzz. The code shown on this page deals with such issues. It is a postprocessor which converts [dis2asm] output to another string in the same TAL language, but optimized where possible. To test it, I have extended the ''aproc'' wrapper to accept an -o flag and if present, to run the optimizer on the TAL output: ====== proc aproc {name argl body args} { proc $name $argl $body set res [disasm proc $name] if {"-x" in $args} { set res [list proc $name $argl [list asm [dis2asm $res]]] if {"-o" in $args} {set res [optimize $res]} eval $res } return $res } ====== The '''optimize''' proc is a little longer than that, even though it currently just handles the few cases discussed above (and below). It splits the TAL input into a list of lines and iterates over them with [for], so it can also operate on other than the current line. Lines considered redundant are first marked with the prefix "#o", and removed after one pass, so that indexes don't get confused. In testing conditions, the previous and current instructions are put together in a string - the "peephole". I think e.g. "push pop" is quite self-documenting for a peephole condition... :^) ====== proc optimize tal { set last "" set last2 "" set lines [split $tal \n] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} { set instr [regexp -inline {[A-Za-z0-9_]+} [lindex $lines $i]] if {"$last $instr" eq "push pop"} { lset lines $i-1 #o[lindex $lines $i-1] ;# mark for deletion lset lines $i #o[lindex $lines $i] } elseif {"$last $instr" eq "jump jump"} { ;# unreachable jump lset lines $i #o[lindex $lines $i] } set last $instr } while 1 { set tmp {} ;# remove marked lines foreach line $lines {if ![string match #o* $line] {lappend tmp $line}} set lines $tmp set found 0 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $lines]} {incr i} { set instr [regexp -inline {[A-Za-z0-9_]+} [lindex $lines $i]] if {"$last2 $last $instr" eq "jump label jump"} { set oldTrg [string trimright [lindex $lines $i-1 1] ";"] set newTrg [lindex $lines $i 1] lset lines $i-1 #o[lindex $lines $i-1] ;# mark for deletion lset lines $i #o[lindex $lines $i] set found 1 break } set last2 $last set last $instr } if $found { set tmp {} ;# remove marked lines foreach line $lines { if [regexp "jump.* $oldTrg " $line] { set line [string map [list " $oldTrg " " $newTrg "] $line] } if ![string match #o* $line] {lappend tmp $line} } set lines $tmp } else break } return [join $lines \n] } ====== Testing: first unoptimized TAL... ====== % aproc f x {foreach i {a b} {foreach j $x {puts $i,$j}}} -x proc f x {asm { push {a b} ;# (0) push1 0 # "a b" store 1 ;# (2) storeScalar1 %v1 # temp var 1 pop ;# (4) pop push -1; store 2; pop ;# (5) foreach_start4 0 label L10; incrImm 2 +1;load 1;load 2 listIndex;store i;pop load 1;listLength;lt ;# (10) foreach_step4 0 jumpFalse L63 ;# (15) jumpFalse1 +48 # pc 63 ;# (17) startCommand +43 1 # next cmd at pc 60 load x ;# (26) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" store 4 ;# (28) storeScalar1 %v4 # temp var 4 pop ;# (30) pop push -1; store 5; pop ;# (31) foreach_start4 1 label L36; incrImm 5 +1;load 4;load 5 listIndex;store j;pop load 4;listLength;lt ;# (36) foreach_step4 1 jumpFalse L58 ;# (41) jumpFalse1 +17 # pc 58 push puts ;# (43) push1 1 # "puts" load i ;# (45) loadScalar1 %v3 # var "i" push , ;# (47) push1 2 # "," load j ;# (49) loadScalar1 %v6 # var "j" concat 3 ;# (51) concat1 3 invokeStk 2 ;# (53) invokeStk1 2 pop ;# (55) pop jump L36 ;# (56) jump1 -20 # pc 36 label L58; push {} ;# (58) push1 3 # "" pop ;# (60) pop jump L10 ;# (61) jump1 -51 # pc 10 label L63; push {} ;# (63) push1 3 # "" ;# (65) done label Done; }} ====== and now, with the -o switch added, the optimized version: ====== % aproc f x {foreach i {a b} {foreach j $x {puts $i,$j}}} -x -o proc f x {asm { push {a b} ;# (0) push1 0 # "a b" store 1 ;# (2) storeScalar1 %v1 # temp var 1 pop ;# (4) pop push -1; store 2; pop ;# (5) foreach_start4 0 label L10; incrImm 2 +1;load 1;load 2 listIndex;store i;pop load 1;listLength;lt ;# (10) foreach_step4 0 jumpFalse L63 ;# (15) jumpFalse1 +48 # pc 63 ;# (17) startCommand +43 1 # next cmd at pc 60 load x ;# (26) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" store 4 ;# (28) storeScalar1 %v4 # temp var 4 pop ;# (30) pop push -1; store 5; pop ;# (31) foreach_start4 1 label L36; incrImm 5 +1;load 4;load 5 listIndex;store j;pop load 4;listLength;lt ;# (36) foreach_step4 1 jumpFalse L10 ;# (41) jumpFalse1 +17 # pc 58 push puts ;# (43) push1 1 # "puts" load i ;# (45) loadScalar1 %v3 # var "i" push , ;# (47) push1 2 # "," load j ;# (49) loadScalar1 %v6 # var "j" concat 3 ;# (51) concat1 3 invokeStk 2 ;# (53) invokeStk1 2 pop ;# (55) pop jump L36 ;# (56) jump1 -20 # pc 36 label L63; push {} ;# (63) push1 3 # "" ;# (65) done label Done; }} ====== Lines marked 58 to 61 are gone, line 41 now jumps directly to L10... but does it still work as before? ====== % f {0 1 2} a,0 a,1 a,2 b,0 b,1 b,2 ====== Another potential for optimization appears in the following test: ====== % aproc f x {foreach i $x {if {$i eq "b"} continue;puts $i}} -x proc f x {asm { load x ;# (0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "x" store 1 ;# (2) storeScalar1 %v1 # temp var 1 pop ;# (4) pop push -1; store 2; pop ;# (5) foreach_start4 0 label L10; incrImm 2 +1;load 1;load 2 listIndex;store i;pop load 1;listLength;lt ;# (10) foreach_step4 0 jumpFalse L61 ;# (15) jumpFalse1 +46 # pc 61 ;# (17) startCommand +34 1 # next cmd at pc 51 load i ;# (26) loadScalar1 %v3 # var "i" push b ;# (28) push1 0 # "b" streq ;# (30) streq jumpFalse L49 ;# (31) jumpFalse1 +18 # pc 49 ;# (33) startCommand +14 1 # next cmd at pc 47 jump L10 ;# (42) jump4 -32 # pc 10 jump L51 ;# (47) jump1 +4 # pc 51 label L49; push {} ;# (49) push1 1 # "" label L51; pop ;# (51) pop push puts ;# (52) push1 2 # "puts" load i ;# (54) loadScalar1 %v3 # var "i" invokeStk 2 ;# (56) invokeStk1 2 pop ;# (58) pop jump L10 ;# (59) jump1 -49 # pc 10 label L61; push {} ;# (61) push1 1 # "" ;# (63) done label Done; }} ====== Quite a mouthful, from a one-liner [proc]... Notice the lines marked (42) and (47), the latter of which is dead code that cannot be reached. I have added code to handle that situation in the ''optimize'' proc above. Another two bytes saved... and there is more. We removed the "jump L51" in (47). Since no other instruction jumps to L51, we can remove the "label L51;" line - and then we have another "push pop" silliness to get rid of as well. In fact, the whole rats' nest of jumpFalse L49 ;# (31) jumpFalse1 +18 # pc 49 ;# (33) startCommand +14 1 # next cmd at pc 47 jump L10 ;# (42) jump4 -32 # pc 10 jump L51 ;# (47) jump1 +4 # pc 51 label L49; push {} ;# (49) push1 1 # "" label L51; pop ;# (51) pop could be simplified to just jumpTrue L10 <>Example