Version 3 of console - work with the parent window

Updated 2013-01-15 19:57:11 by MG

Zipguy (2013-01-15) - You can find out my email address by clicking on Zipguy.

I've been thinking about How do you make two windows act as one?, and I started wondering about having the Console work with the parent window (the same as described in that article when minimizing/restoring them).

I noticed the command used in console -font? which was

    console eval { font configure TkConsoleFont -size 10 }

and thought what if I put the commands

        bind . <Unmap>      { console eval { wm iconify    .console}  }
        bind . <Map>        { console eval { wm deiconify .console}  }

into the code of the application that brought up the console with a button (named "Console"). So I did. That caused the application to produce an error message like this about thirty+ times:

and when you hit the Detail button:

I knew it was not a toplevel window. I tried to make it one, but that still failed. I'm looking into Tkcon which may have a toplevel window, or other things to do what I want.

Any ideas on what I should do to get the Console to work with the parent window? Any help would be great!.

Zipguy (2013-01-15) - I tried some wm commands with no success. But I did try

 console eval { puts "winfo id .console [winfo id .console ]"}

which gave me different results each time I ran it.

 winfo id .console 0x00000000010C02E2
 winfo id .console 0x0000000000A20CD0
 winfo id .console 0x0000000000640B4E ...

I could use this, if I knew how to tell Windows to iconify/deiconify this in C++, or assembler etc.

MG The console runs in its own interpreter, and has its own main toplevel window ".":

  % puts [console eval {winfo parent .console}]
  % console eval {wm iconify .}