[Zipguy] (2013-01-15) - You can find out my email address by clicking on [Zipguy]. I've been thinking about [How do you make two windows act as one?], and I started wondering about having the Console work with the parent window (the same as described in that article when minimizing/restoring them). I noticed the command used in [console -font?] which was console eval { font configure TkConsoleFont -size 10 } and thought what if I put the commands bind . "console eval { wm iconify .console}" bind . "console eval { wm deiconify .console}" into the code of the application that brought up the console with a button (named "Console"). So I did. That caused the application to produce an error message like this about thirty+ times: [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/error001.png] and when you hit the Detail button: [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/error002.png] I knew it was not a toplevel window. I tried to make it one, but that still failed. I'm looking into Tkcon which may have a toplevel window, or other things to do what I want. Any ideas on what I should do to get the Console to work with the parent window? Any help would be great!. ---- [Zipguy] (2013-01-15) - I tried some wm commands with no success. But I did try console eval { puts "winfo id .console [winfo id .console ]"} which gave me different results each time I ran it. winfo id .console 0x00000000010C02E2 winfo id .console 0x0000000000A20CD0 winfo id .console 0x0000000000640B4E ... I could use this, if I knew how to tell Windows to iconify/deiconify this in C++, or assembler etc. [MG] The console runs in its own interpreter, and has its own main toplevel window ".": % puts [console eval {winfo parent .console}] . % console eval {wm iconify .} [Zipguy] (2013-01-15) - Thanks [MG], that code works great! I have it like this: bind . "console eval { wm iconify .}" bind . "console eval { wm deiconify .} ; focus .toolbar " which does it make it work like one group of windows. It does work well. I only have one more problem. In fact, it always seems to initially be on the console at first. Also, when I've clicked on the Appliction's minimize button, and I've clicked on the Application's Name to Restore it, both windows come back, but the focus has switched to the .console Window (instead of the Application's main window). I tried making the bind Map into focus on .toolbar, the main window, but now it always seems to focus on the console instead, until I click on the Application's window. hmmmm... [Zipguy] (2013-01-17) - I've looked into it and found some more on it. [RLE] posted this on [How do you make two windows act as one?]. [RLE] (2013-01-15): Try replacing "focus .toolbar" with "focus .". Also try adding a "raise ." just before "focus .toolbar". Also try instead of "focus ." running focus upon the text widget within the main application window. I tried it because I tried the .toolbar and the button, and they didn't work. "raise ." did an interesting thing. I literally did raise the the application window but did not change the focus at all. It looked like this: [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/console_running_under.png] What I had in mind, my objective was this: [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/app_running_over.png] I thought maybe because I didn't have a "entry" field on the screen, so, I changed it to one like this: ====== set f .ftxt.ftxt0 pack $f -side top -fill x -pady 3m button $f.l1 \ -text "File:" \ -command "open_file" \ -anchor w -justify left # -bg $_EZS(bfcolor) -fg $_EZS(bbcolor) pack $f.l1 -side left entry $f.fn \ -textvariable _EZS(kitname) \ -justify left -width 75 # -anchor w -justify left -width 75 # -fg $_EZS(ffcolor) -bg $_EZS(fbcolor) pack $f.fn -side left -expand 0 -anchor w -fill both ====== And in the routine which is used by bind . "mapwin" is this: proc mapwin { {item .ftxt.ftxt0.fn} } { console eval { wm deiconify .} raise . focus . focus $item } It looked like this: [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/console_running_under2.png] and that did not work either. Dang! You can see that the focus is working (once you click on the main window): [http://www.geocities.ws/thezipguy/misc/focus_is_working.png] [MG] I would guess that the 'focus' is taking place before the console has finished being deiconified, and Windows is automatically giving the console the focus when it finishes being mapped. You could try delaying the [focus]es (with a small-timed [after], or [after idle]), or you could try using [tk wait] to check the console has been mapped - though, since it's in a different interpreter, I'm not sure off the top of my head how you'd do that. Probably have to do it all in [console eval], and then use [consoleinterp eval] to run the focus in the main interpreter again. [focus] -force may also stop Windows giving focus back to the console when it's fully mapped, but I'm not sure without trying it. <> Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming | Command | Tk