Version 8 of close

Updated 2010-05-14 16:32:53 by AMG


close - Close an open channel


close channelId


TCL core command


Closes the channel given by channelId.

ChannelId must be an identifier for an open channel such as a Tcl standard channel (stdin, stdout, or stderr), the return value from an invocation of open or socket, or the result of a channel creation command provided by a Tcl extension.



file, open, socket, eof, channel, exec, stderr


 set fh [open output.txt r]
 set data [read $fh]
 close $fh

LV What are the ramifications if you don't close a file in Tcl? Any? I assume a memory leak in long running daemon type apps...

glennj: When working with pipes (i.e. [set pipe [open "| some command"]]]), and the pipe is blocking (i.e. [fconfigure $pipe -blocking yes] which is the default), then [close $pipe] throws an error if the command exited with non-zero status or if the command sent any output to stderr.


 set command {sh -c {echo "to stdout"; echo >&2 "to stderr"; exit 42}}
 set pipe [open "| $command"]
 set standard_output [read -nonewline $pipe]
 set exit_status 0
 if {[catch {close $pipe} standard_error] != 0} {
     global errorCode
     if {"CHILDSTATUS" == [lindex $errorCode 0]} {
         set exit_status [lindex $errorCode 2]
 puts "exit status is $exit_status"
 puts "captured standard output: {$standard_output}"
 puts "captured standard error: {$standard_error}"

Output is:

 exit status is 42
 captured standard output: {to stdout}
 captured standard error: {to stderr}

AMG: TIP #332 "Half-Close for Bidirectional Channels" [L1 ] adds an optional argument to specify which direction of the channel to close, like the shutdown(2) system call [L2 ].

close channel ?read|write?

Tcl syntax help - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming - Category Command - Category Channel