Supporting proxies with the [http] package is tedious and error prone and has to be done for each application in turn. I've done a few of these and finally decided this can be done by an external package. Here is the second draft. To use this: package require autoproxy autoproxy::init autoproxy::configure -basic -user luser -pass sEkRet set tok [http::geturl] http::data $tok http::cleanup $tok ---- I've incorporated Pat Thoyts' code in a project and it works like a charm. The only small issue being that ProxyOverride apparently does not always exist (according to one problem report I received) -[jcw] 11dec02 [jcw] - Another problem is that ProxyEnable may exist but not be a valid boolean. [PT] 21Jan03: Wow - This is included in the [kitten] starkit! This has motivated me to revisit this code, tidy it up and turn it into a proper package. I've also taken on board Anders comments from below - although the real point of the autoproxy package is to try to pick up the proxy and user settings automatically. Should this end up in tcllib?? ---- '''Automagic proxy authorization header''' by Anders Ramdahl The filter is easily changed to automagically add a proxy authorization header when needed. Remember to set ''autoproxy::user'' and ''autoproxy::password'' before the first ''http::geturl'' call. proc autoproxy::filter {host} { variable user variable password variable proxy variable no_proxy if {$proxy(host) == {}} { return {} } foreach domain $no_proxy { if {[string match $domain $host]} { return {} } } # add proxy authorization header upvar state _state array set h $_state(-headers) set h(Proxy-Authorization) [concat Base [base64::encode $user:$password]] set _state(-headers) [array get h] return [list $proxy(host) $proxy(port)] } This will fail if ''autoproxy::user'' or ''autoproxy::password'' is not set. I should probably add a catch statement somewhere. ---- # autoproxy.tcl - Copyright (C) 2002 Pat Thoyts # # On Unix an emerging standard for identifying the local HTTP proxy server # seems to be to use the environment variable http_proxy or ftp_proxy and # no_proxy to list those domains to be excluded from proxying. # # On Windows we can retrieve the Internet Settings values from the registry # to obtain pretty much the same information. # # With this information we can setup a suitable filter procedure for the # Tcl http package and arrange for automatic use of the proxy. # # Example: # package require autoproxy # autoproxy::init # autoproxy::configure basic; # enter values in dialog # set tok [http::getutl] # http::data $tok # # There is a skeleton for supporting Digest or NTLM authorisation but # this is not currently supported. I can't find a proxy to test Digest # on and we don't yet have a Tcl implementation for NTLM. # # @(#)$Id: 2879,v 1.13 2003-01-27 09:00:23 jcw Exp $ namespace eval autoproxy { variable rcsid {$Id: 2879,v 1.13 2003-01-27 09:00:23 jcw Exp $} variable version 1.1 variable options if {! [info exists options]} { array set options { proxy_host "" proxy_port 80 no_proxy {} basic {} digest {} ntlm {} } } variable winregkey set winregkey [join { HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion "Internet Settings" } \\] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Obtain configuration options for the server. # proc autoproxy::cget {option} { variable options switch -glob -- $option] { -ho* - -proxy_h* {set options(proxy_host)} -po* - -proxy_p* {set options(proxy_port)} -no* { set options(no_proxy) } -b* { set options(basic) } -d* { set options(digest) } -nt* { set options(ntlm) } default { set err [join [lsort [array names options]] ", -"] return -code error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\":\ must be one of -$options" } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Configure the autoproxy package settings. # You may only configure one type of authorisation at a time as once we hit # -basic, -digest or -ntlm - all further args are passed to the protocol # specific script. # # Of course, most of the point of this package is to fill as many of these # fields as possible automatically. You should call autoproxy::init to # do automatic configuration and then call this method to refine the details. # proc autoproxy::configure {args} { variable options if {[llength $args] == 0} { foreach {opt value} [array get options] { lappend r -$opt $value } return $r } while {[string match "-*" [lindex $args 0]]} { switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] { -ho* - -proxy_h* {set options(proxy_host) [Pop args 1]} -po* - -proxy_p* {set options(proxy_port) [Pop args 1]} -no* { set options(no_proxy) [Pop args 1] } -b* { Pop args; configure:basic $args ; break } -d* { Pop args; configure:digest $args ; break } -nt* { Pop args; configure:ntlm $args ; break } -- { Pop args; break } default { set err [join [lsort [array names options]] ", -"] return -code error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\":\ must be one of -$options" } } Pop args } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Initialise the http proxy information from the environment or the # registry (Win32) # # This procedure will load the http package and re-writes the # http::geturl method to add in the authorisation header. # # A better solution will be to arrange for the http package to request the # authorisation key on receiving an authorisation reqest. # proc autoproxy::init {} { package require uri global tcl_platform global env variable winregkey variable options set no_proxy {} set httpproxy {} # Look for environment variables. if {[info exists env(http_proxy)]} { set httpproxy $env(http_proxy) set no_proxy $env(no_proxy) } else { if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { package require registry 1.0 array set reg {ProxyEnable 0 ProxyServer "" ProxyOverride {}} catch { set reg(ProxyEnable) [registry get $winregkey "ProxyEnable"] set reg(ProxyServer) [registry get $winregkey "ProxyServer"] set reg(ProxyOverride) [registry get $winregkey "ProxyOverride"] } if {![string is bool $reg(ProxyEnable)]} { set reg(ProxyEnable) 0 } if {$reg(ProxyEnable)} { set httpproxy $reg(ProxyServer) set no_proxy $reg(ProxyOverride) } } } # If we found something ... if {$httpproxy != {}} { # The http_proxy is supposed to be a URL - lets make sure. if {![regexp {\w://.*} $httpproxy]} { set httpproxy "http://$httpproxy" } # decompose the string. array set proxy [uri::split $httpproxy] # turn the no_proxy value into a tcl list set no_proxy [string map {; " " , " "} $no_proxy] # configure ourselves configure -proxy_host $proxy(host) \ -proxy_port $proxy(port) \ -no_proxy $no_proxy # setup and configure the http package package require http 2.0 http::config -proxyfilter [namespace origin filter] } return $httpproxy } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing. proc autoproxy::Pop {varname {nth 0}} { upvar $varname args set r [lindex $args $nth] set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth] return $r } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Implement support for the Basic authentication scheme (RFC 2617). # Options: # -user userid - pass in the user ID (May require Windows NT domain # as DOMAIN\\username) # -password pwd - pass in the user's password. # proc autoproxy::configure:basic {arglist} { variable options array set opts {user {} passwd {}} foreach {opt value} $arglist { switch -glob -- $opt { -u* { set opts(user) $value } -p* { set opts(passwd) $value } default { return -code error "invalid option \"$opt\": must be one of\ -username or -password" } } } # If nothing was provided, assume they want an interactive prompt. if {$opts(user) == {} || $opts(passwd) == {}} { package require BWidget set r [PasswdDlg .d -logintext $opts(user) -passwdtext $opts(passwd)] set opts(user) [lindex $r 0] set opts(passwd) [lindex $r 1] } # Note: we only store the 'encoded' password. Avoid keeping plaintext. package require base64 set options(basic) [list "Proxy-Authorization" \ [concat "Basic" \ [base64::encode $opts(user):$opts(passwd)]]] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Implement support for the Digest authentication scheme (RFC nnnn). # Options: # -user userid - pass in the user ID (May require Windows NT domain # as DOMAIN\\username) # -password pwd - pass in the user's password. # -realm domain - the authorization realm # proc autoproxy::configure:digest {arglist} { variable options array set opts {user {} passwd {} realm {}} foreach {opt value} $arglist { switch -glob -- $opt { -u* { set opts(user) $value } -p* { set opts(passwd) $value } -r* { set opts(realm) $value } default { return -code error "invalid option \"$opt\": must be one of\ -username, -realm or -password" } } } # If nothing was provided, assume they want an interactive prompt. if {$opts(user) == {} || $opts(passwd) == {}} { package require BWidget set r [PasswdDlg .d -title "Realm $opts(realm)" \ -logintext $opts(user) \ -passwdtext $opts(passwd)] set opts(user) [lindex $r 0] set opts(passwd) [lindex $r 1] } # Note: we only store the MD5 checksum of the password. package require md5 set A1 [md5::md5 "$opts(user):$opts(realm):$opts(passwd)"] set options(digest) [list $opts(user) $opts(realm) $A1] return } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # Suport Microsoft's NTLM scheme # Not done as yet. # proc autoproxy::configure:ntlm {arglist} { variable options return -code error "NTLM authorization is not available" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description: # An http package proxy filter. This attempts to work out is a request # should go via the configured proxy using a glob comparison against the # no_proxy list items. A typical no_proxy list might be # [list localhost *] # # If we are going to use the proxy - then insert the proxy authorization # header. # proc autoproxy::filter {host} { variable options if {$options(proxy_host) == {}} { return {} } foreach domain $options(no_proxy) { if {[string match $domain $host]} { return {} } } # Add authorisation header to the request (by Anders Ramdahl) upvar state State if {$options(basic) != {}} { set State(-headers) [concat $options(basic) $State(-headers)] } elseif {$options(digest) != {}} { # FIX ME there is more to Digest than this #set State(-headers) [linsert $State(-headers) 0 $options(digest)] } return [list $options(proxy_host) $options(proxy_port)] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide autoproxy $autoproxy::version # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: ---- [[ [Category Package] | [Category Internet] ]]