Jim DeVona http://anoved.net/ I continue to learn about Tcl, which I use for a variety of hobby projects. ---- **Interests** Here's what I like to learn about Tcl: * '''Mac OS X''': The discovery of Tcl/Tk techniques for enhanced Mac OS X integration. * '''Portability''': Code that does the right thing in any environment with minimal external dependencies (graceful degradation of platform-specific features). * '''Packaging''': The development and distribution of complex systems as easily-installed files with few side effects or prerequisites (Starkits, ''et al.''). * '''Localization''': Facilitating multiple languages; more broadly, the abstraction and interdependence of interface and function. At a lower level, I'm a fan of [http], [canvas], and [tcllib]. ---- **Articles** I have written a handful of brief articles about tools and topics related to my interest in Tcl. Exposition helps structure my understanding. (Your understanding may not fare so well.) * Tcl Templates for ThisService: [http://anoved.net/2007/09/tcl-starting-points-for-thisservice.html] * Alternate Tcl Language Module for TextWrangler: [http://anoved.net/2007/09/tcl-language-module.html] * [Starkit]s and [Starpack]s: [http://anoved.net/2007/10/starkits-and-starpacks.html] * Tidy Tcl/Tk Mac Application Packages with Starpacks: [http://anoved.net/2007/12/minimal-tcltk-mac-application-packages.html] * [Msgcat] and Mac OS X: [http://anoved.net/2008/01/msgcat-and-mac-os-x.html] ---- **Projects** I learn by doing and by making mistakes. Lots of mistakes. * '''LDMerge [http://anoved.net/2007/10/ldmerge.html]''': LDraw part library management tool. * '''PreL3P [http://anoved.net/2007/10/prel3p.html] [http://anoved.net/2007/10/instruction-step-fading-with-prel3p.html]''': LDraw color substitution tool. * '''strpdf [http://anoved.net/2007/11/strpdf.html]''': Annotated PDF overlay generator (using [pdf4tcl]). * '''Pascal's Triangle and Binomial Expansion [http://anoved.net/2008/02/pascal-triangle.html]''': A little mathematical visualization. * '''Starpacker''': "[SDX] for the rest of us." Easily turn Starkits into executables for any platform. [http://anoved.net/images/starpacker/starpacker.png] ---- **Wiki** The Tcler's Wiki has proven to be a tremendously useful resource. However, the pervasive blocks of discussion (sometimes containing unanswered questions and ambiguous trial-and-error narratives) are often confusing when I consult the wiki in search of specific information. Ideally the fruit of all that discussion would filter up to a well-structured reference section at the top of the page, with the discussion that yielded that information providing context below. Documentation I would find useful and may someday be able to provide: * [::tcl::mac Procedures and Variables] * [::tk::mac Procedures and Variables] * [Mac System Colors] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Person] |% !!!!!!