Version 1 of Writing case insensitive procedures using unknown

Updated 2010-03-22 12:26:59 by MaheshD

Case Insensitive TCL commands

Some days back I faced an issue with writing case insensitive procedure names. i.e

    proc abc {} {
        puts "Called function abc() .."

This should work with other 7 variants ABC, abC, aBc, aBC, Abc, AbC, aBc.

The solution to this could be to use the unknown function in TCL.

# define the original command name list.

    set orig_cmd_names [list abc]

# Rename the original unknown to unknown_orig

    rename unknown unknown_orig

# Define a customized unknown procedure.

    proc unknown {args} {
        set cmd [lindex $args 0]
        global orig_cmd_names
        foreach oCmd $orig_cmd_names {
            if {[regexp -nocase ^($oCmd)$ $cmd]} {
                # Found the command .. !, now execute it in global scope
                set result [uplevel #0 $oCmd [lrange $args 1 end]]
                return -code ok $result
        # Not found .. :-(, call the base unknown function.
        unknown_orig $args

    Called function abc() ..
    Called function abc() ..