Version 0 of Windows Helper Utilities

Updated 2003-01-09 20:27:36

I thought it was time I tried to return something to this Wiki. I created this page for little Tcl/Tk utilities which make like under MS Windows easier.

  • SendTo utility to add the UNC for several files

Problem: You want to insert the network path (UNC) into an email message for file(s) rather than attaching the files. You can select those files in Windows Explorer and then right click and select SendTo. The full path of those files will be send on the command line to whatever application you place in the SendTo directory in your profile (depends on the version of Windows. EG: WinXP places it under "Documents and Settings\username\SendTo). I tried to create a simple Visual C++ utility to grab this command line and place it on the clipboard. I found out that Tcl/Tk makes it much easier:

 clipboard clear
 clipboard append [join $argv {

Place this script somewhere, not necessarily in the the SendTo directory. In the SendTo directory, create a new shortcut to your wish executable and add to the command line the path to this simple script. Thats all you need!