This page is a work-in-progress description of how to get Wikit running on a PocketPC (using the Tk interface). Why would you want to do this? Well I like it because it means that I no longer have to use a notebook (i.e. pen and paper) at all. I take all my notes in Wikit, either on the PocketPC or laptop, and synchronise the two databases (a script to be provided later :-)). The description below assumes some familiarity with Tcl... My suggested steps are: * Get Wikit running on one of the more conventional platforms first, e.g. Windows. See [Wikit] and * Get Tcl 8.4.4 running on the PocketPC. See [Windows/CE] and [iPAQ]. * Install [MetaKit] (Mk4Tcl) as a package on the [PocketPC]. Thanks to [jcw] this can be downloaded from []. * Unpack the source code from wikit.kit and copy it to the PocketPC. See [TclKit], [Starkit], [] and []. * Replace gui.tcl in the wikit library with [gui.tcl for Wikit on PocketPC]. * Modify main.tcl to not use Starkit and set auto_path appropriately (details TBS). This is from memory, so I will be looking for some verification once this page has sufficient detail. [AKG] ---- This looks great!!!! Just waiting on the rest of the instructions. [MPJ]