'''On this page:''' Things that don't work as expected in this [Wikit] implementation [LV] 2007 July 31 '''PLEASE!!!''' Remember to submit wikit bugs at http://code.google.com/p/wikitcl/issues/list so that problems can be tracked. [wikignomes] note: I've spun a new page off for the older comments on this page that are no longer relevant. However, I could use help from wikignomes in checking to see if the reports remaining here are still relevant. If so, it might be worthwhile to report unique ones to the wikit bug database... ---- '''From the "Wiki gripes" page''' - http://mini.net/tcl/18 ---- Purpose: a place to list weird side effects, surprises, and ... gripes, with regards to the '''concept''' of Wiki Wiki webs, or [Wiki] in short. Related pages: [Comments on the Tcl'ers Wiki], [Suggestions for Wikit], and [Wikit Problems]. ---- JC: ''Some of the comments below ought to be moved to the above (new) ones, I think'' The concept of [Wiki] is fascinating. Here's a list of thing which may need some improvement, please feel free to add notes: * URL recognition is tricky, "(URL)" links to "URL)", for example. * It's yet another formatting convention (albeit a very simple one) - the basic requirement being that it must display well as HTML, and on Tk. A secondary goal is to make it reasonably obvious and readable as plain text. '''AK:''' Ok, I found the main references to the pages mentioned above, in [Jean-Claude Wippler]s page, but I think it illustrates a general problem. A Wiki usually grows in unpredecented ways, and very unstructured, thus easily causing the "lost in (hyper)space" syndrome: Where am I, where were I, how do I find X. I believe that at least one (trusted) user, in case of complex Wiki's some more, should try to "moderate" an area. Hm. ... I am not thinking of moderation in the sense of "pre-edit approval", it is more like gardening. First a spurt(?) of growth, then the moderator/gardener starts weeding (removing OT-post), structures the contents into something more coherent, afterward the next cycle of growth and weeding begins. These phases may overlap, of course. 1999 Mar 9, '''AK:''' I thought to say "yes", but then I noticed that the search facility cuts the returned result at 50 entries, just like the recent page. So I have to say "Not quite". A sitemap tells us what we have, in a clear manner. Using a search facility however is more like being blind and probing, we don't know about the possible contents of the site, what we can search for. ---- 1999 Mar 9 ---- '''DGP:''' What I miss most is a Table of Contents/Index/Site Map. Since [The Tcler's Wiki] is promoted as the entry point, there ought to be available on that page, or on a page linked by that page, some way to find all the pages there are. I thought the [New Pages] page might be it, but it seems not. I first entered the Wiki on [package management], following AK's link in c.l.t. I don't think I could have ever found that starting from [The Tcler's Wiki]. '''1999 Mar 9, AK''', Remark: My link in c.l.t. used a feature of this wiki, the auto-search. If the url given to the cgi does not match the various standard formats (nn.html, nn@, nn!, ..., nn a number) it will start a search for possibly matching pages. A single word must be used, but capitalization can be used to mark inner components. The search will automatically add * between them before starting the search (LaVi => La*Vi for example). '''1999 Mar 9, AK''': The [recent changes] page is a quite good approximation of a sitemap, but currently had the problem that some huge content (Books, Tcl-URL!) was added to the wiki in the last days, overflowing the limit of 50 entries quite drastically. Many of the useful other pages were ousted because of this. Setting the limit to 100 entries could. '''BSA''' 23-Mar-1999: Q: Why do we have to edit in yet another special format, What is wrong with just using html? (other than complexity for new users). NB I am new to the wiki experience and haven't read the FAQ if indeed there is a link to it here. '''AK''', Mar 24, 1999: IMHO you already gave the answer: '''complexity for new users'''. A wiki tries to encourage readers to start writing too. A (simple) formatting language which is mainly text with interspersed commands should fare better in this regard than something like HTML, where it is quite easy to get lost in heaps of markup with interspersed fragments of text. ''It's up to the people writing the Wiki to make sure that new users can find their way around. On Ward Cunningham's wiki this is done by a writing pages to welcome new users and roadmap pages for major topics.'' '''DGP''', 1999 April 20: It's ''really'' annoying that you can't italicize more than once per line. Also, how does one include a literal "[" in their text ( I guess I just did. ) without triggering another page marker. It's awkward trying to document Tcl usage with these quirks. '''JC''': On normal lines (not bullet lists and such), you can italicize by starting a new line, since formatting codes are recognized per line, even though they end up concatenated into one, see [WOBBLE] for an example. Brackets can be escaped by doubling them. Like [[ and ]]. ''I've added a note in the [Formatting Rules] page, thanks.'' '''BG''', 2000 Jan 2: I found that good old buggy Netscape would crash consistently once the single textarea post data grew enough. I had to crank up good old WebTk [http://www.tcl.tk/software/webtk/] to get the form to post. '''RS''', 2000-03-15: I'd like to be able to include Unicode entitities like in a Wiki page, but the ampersands get escaped, even with one or two backslashes in front. 2000-03-21: A more general thought, prompted by PSE: Why not allow embedded HTML which will pass through unchanged? This will allow Unicodes or other entities, embedded images, etc. Could look something like * This is normal WikiML

Chinese Header

---- And now we're back to WikiML again. and everything between and would be copied as-is. '''DKF''', 2000-03-21: The problem is two-fold. Firstly, this Wiki is designed to be accessed by routes other than over the web (apparently) and these do not necessarily understand how to render HTML fully. Secondly, embedding arbitrary HTML allows some really nasty tricks with tables, frames, javascript (think of the damage you can do with ''onLoad''), etc. Prohibiting these forces people to concentrate on real content with relatively little pain. And how do you handle the use of Unicode escapes when the browser says it cannot handle such stuff? Passing off Unicode in such situations is downright rude... '''RS''', 2000-03-21: Well.. we have kind of a class society where some browsers (getting more) can display Unicodes, and other can't (and show a question mark instead - also depends on the fonts you have, etc.). I see the point against arbitrary HTML, but &entities; (;-) can't do much more harm than being rendered as a "?", so I still advocate allowing them. '''JC''', same day: Yes, richer content (and how about images?) sounds attractive. It's true that Wikit runs as both CGI-generating-HTML and as local Tk app. Both of these wil probably handle extended character sets quite well nowadays (I still use an 8.0 Tclkit for this web site, but I have an 8.3-based one ready to go). Also, Richard Hipp's [TkHTML] widget is up to an amazing level of functionality, so HTML in local mode is becoming a more realistic option (I'll need to check the Mac side). But what kept me from making all sorts of changes, is that the current setup works well from a more modest goal and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" (whether it is broken or lacking new features is debatable). I find the current wiki markup pleasant to use as is. So here's my next excuse (hey, I have loads of 'em): Tclkit and the scripted document mechanism are both undergoing major changes. The new Tclkit uses Matt Newman's Virtual File System (VFS) approach, which is a fascinating way to hide differences between file systems and databases. So I've been sort of holding back (for months now), before going into Wikit again and changing things. To prove that these excuses are not completely lame: Tclkit 8.3 has become viable about a week ago, and I've started switching to it in a commercial project only two days ago. So there is measurable progress. Not that it's enough to make a difference for the issues raised here yet... :o( If someone wants to work on some of this, let me know. It would make a good excuse for me to bring Wikit to the new setup, and it'll be much easier to modify and try out things, because with VFS you could run Wikit either as a scripted document or from a regular directory with a set of scripts. [Bryan Oakley], 2000-05-15: I wish that multiple references to the same external document would have the same number in [[]]'s. For example, the following two references both point to the same location, but appear as distinct numbers: [http://www.tcl.tk] [http://www.tcl.tk]. ---- Woo! First comment on my Wiki from comp.lang.tcl (with my reply at top): Not my fault, Jean-Claude Wippler is no more responsible than I am. Maybe somewhat less so! That's one of his distributed pages. Glenn Jackman wrote: > In comp.lang.tcl, you wrote: > > I have posted the details of my (highly satisfying) experience > ... > > http://mini.net/tcl/17 > > Pretty cool. > > I found a bad link on the (uneditable) Help page: > http://inferno.slug.org/cgi-bin/wiki/3 > > See http://wikit.tcl.tk/IncrTcl for more details. > > Should of course be http://mini.net/tcl/IncrTcl > ^^^^^ > ---- [male] - June 24th, 2004: Since the revisions of wiki pages are accessible, I ask myself often why pages are listed in the Recent Changes, even if nothing has changed! What's about changing this, to have really a "Recent Changes" page! [escargo] - It seems like have a "Recent Changes" page with an automatically generated link to the diff between the most recent two versions would be good, so you can choose to focus on the change (desired behavior) or on the whole page (current behavior). ---- Remember that the current revisions support is, as far as I am aware, only relevant for changes made the previous day basically. Also note that if someone makes a bogus change to a page, and someone else comes along and repairs the damage, the page won't appear to have changed, but will in fact have changed. [male] - June 24th, 2004: A bogus change is no change and should not appear on the "Recent Change" page! A try to save a page without changes, don't have to succeed! The wiki should take this as a cancelled edit! To act like this, there is no need of a CVS and the nightly revision mechanism! I don't understand why this tcler's wiki has such revision mechanism, where you have to wait a day to see what had changed! Our (usemod) wiki, we use as team in the company, supports an external diff to allow revisions inspection. The times when we had to decide, which wiki should be used, the usemod wiki (written in perl) was chosen, because of the markup language containing tables, nested (un)ordered lists, (ordered) headings, this diff capability and a users recognition via cookie admin! ---- 30sep04 [jcw] I've also just changed the SearchResults proc to ignore pages with exactly 1 char on them. I usually (pseudo-)delete pages by storing just a single space in them. From now on, these pages will no longer show up in a search. They do show up in the [Recent Changes] because otherwise no-one would see it when an entire page is cleared this way. ---- ''[escargo] 22 Jul 2005'' - The following paragraph illustrates a problem. The bold text spans too many words: If you click on the taskbar icon for the two apps the iconnames show but '''the iconnames don't update!''' Even more amusing is that the iconnames appear in tooltips when you roll over the iconnames with the updated values that are '''not''' shown in the iconnames. For some reason, the closing triple quotation marks are not closing the first set, and the embolden treatment is continuing. Another problem that I found; consecutive links get combined and only a malformed link gets coded: An bad example of including a link that will be numbered [http://tcl.tk/starkits/][http://jim.berlios.de/] followed by another one. An good example of including a link that will be numbered [http://tcl.tk/starkits/] [http://jim.berlios.de/] followed by another one. There are really two links in the markup, but only one gets displayed. [Lars H]: The first problem can often be worked around by not putting the entire paragraph on a single line, but I suspect you already know that. The linking problem is another effect of Wikit's "free-text links first, bracketed links later" processing which IMO in very [Murphy] (whenever it ''can'' get it wrong, it will). See my comments dated 2004-11-27 above for details. [MG] I've just looked at the code for Wiki (assuming I downloaded the right thing), and it looks like the problem is in format.tcl (the 'render' proc): while { [regsub -all {'''([^']+?)'''} $text "\0\1b+\0\\1\0\1b-\0" text] || [regsub -all {''([^']+?)''} $text "\0\1i+\0\\1\0\1i-\0" text] } {} # And then the remaining ones. This also captures the hilites # where the highlighted text contains single apostrophes. regsub -all {'''(.+?)'''} $text "\0\1b+\0\\1\0\1b-\0" text regsub -all {''(.+?)''} $text "\0\1i+\0\\1\0\1i-\0" text Those first two regsub commands (inside the while loop) aren't needed, by the looks of it, and seem to be what's breaking it. Though I've only looked at it briefly - there could be something earlier that requires those. And I think the link problem comes from this line (also in the render proc of format.tcl): set pre {\[([^\]]*)]} ; # page references ; # compat Which should, I think, be set pre {\[([^\]]*?)]} ; # page references ; # compat to make it non-greedy. None of that's tested, or even looked at too heavily - just some quick glances while I had a few minutes free - but I think it's right. ---- ''[escargo] 25 Jul 2005'' - Is [Google] supposed to be indexing the "Differences" pages? Or is somebody retrieving them and making them available inappropriately? (See http://matsuri.site.ne.jp/neko/neko.cgi?KEYCODE=&URL=http://mini.net/tclrevs/3011-2 for an example.) ---- ''[escargo] 17 Aug 2005'' - The following line does not format as a '''tagged list''' item, despite conforming to the formatting rules statement: "To create a tagged list, use: three spaces, item tag, ":", three spaces, item text" ::math::sum: calculate arithmetic sum of two or more arguments I suppose the problem relates to all those extra colons. ''[escargo] 17 Oct 2005'' - I wanted to use a definition list to reformat the [Consio] page a bit, but this problem still exists; is there any workaround that allows the namespace separators ("::") to be rendered without causing the definition list formatting to fail? ---- [HZe] - 19 Nov 2005 Only a small issue: when I use my PocketPC/WLAN to read this Wikit (by the way: it's really good displayed on a small device like this), I cannot use the Search page. It uses for the search phrase and the Internet Explorer on my PocketPC doesn't show this tag at all. Would it be possible to just change this into an element? ''An alternative is to type the search in the URL: http://mini.net/tcl/2?holger*'' ---- [Lars H], 14 Dec 2005: Page 8932 [http://mini.net/tcl/8932] has a title that seems to have been malencoded (Onze règles, rather than Onze régles). Is this a Wikit bug or user error? (The latter seems a bit unlikely, as page titles shouldn't suffer from the same saving-in-unaware-browser bug as the page contents do.) ---- BH 8th March 2007: There seems to have been a problem (maybe with a particular user, maybe with Wikit itself) that causes paragraphs on some pages to be shown within a if 0 { ... } block. The problematic changes appear to be from 2005 or thereabouts. CJL believes that to be deliberate, if a little odd when first encountered. It allows source code (outside the blocks) and descriptive Wiki formatted text (inside the blocks) to be interleaved such that you can copy the whole lot to your clipboard in one go and have some valid Tcl to paste into a wish console (or other). It may also have something to do with [wish-reaper]. [LV] BH, can you give me a specific example, so I can take a look at the page? CJL - http://mini.net/tcl/12241 In the case of that page (and many others like that) the creator of the page did that intentionally. What it allows is documentation to be included within the Tcl script that will have its text parsed for wiki formatting (URLs, hyper links, etc.) CJL : Isn't that the reason I gave, just described from the other end? ---- [KJN] 2007-07-22: search for 'http' gives a link styled as [[1]] that is off-Wiki. ---- [KJN] 2007-07-22: saving an edited page takes a long time ... ... 26 seconds for the previous edit, forever for the one before that (I cancelled it and saved again). It seems to be slower than with the old wikit. I'm on DSL, and this is not a busy time (0042 UTC). Seems to be a problem. [rgf] 2007-07-23: Sometime last week the wikit style seemed to change ... like it no longer has a style sheet. Whenever I check pages they now come up without coloring/highlighting (recent changes, etc.) I'm using an older Mozilla browser (1.7.3) on Redhat linux. Am I the only one experiencing this? [DKF]: It's probably a consequence of the fact that there are now two style sheets in use, one which gives the main page style and the other which gives the styling of the buttons. Looks like older Moz doesn't like the incantation used to do that (style sheet loading ''is'' a black art...) [rgf] 2007-07-30: The wikit style sheet issue seems to be back - I've lost text and color highlighting. Its not just the older browser ... I tried Mozilla 5.0 and didn't see the normal styles either. ''2007-07-31 ... and today its working again. Thanks!'' ---- [LES] on September 24, 2007: I can't read The Tclers' Wiki with my Blackberry 8300 (aka Curve) browser. I can access http://wiki.tcl.tk , http://wiki.tcl.tk/0 and http://wiki.tcl.tk/4 , but at least 9 out every 10 pages I try won't load. The Blackberry browser says: '''The item you selected cannot be displayed. Do you wish to save the item? Yes No''' If I choose '''Yes''', it prompts for a folder, but I didn't really save anything to see what ever gets saved. If I choose '''No''', it says: '''Unsupported media type: x-text/wiki'''. Incidentally, I can receive e-mail in this Blackberry, but the Rivet-dev mailing list digests won't open either. The mail reader says: '''Unsupported media type in header'''. Those are the only messages I have been unable to read in 24 days using the Blackberry. ---- [MHo] 2007-10-24: Just a few annotations regarding the new format: * if the new menu is turned off, the left border is to small (or zero), so the chars on the page browser page are sticking right on the left edge of the monitor ... ;-) * Is there a chance to make the edit window as large as before? * the default font sizes are bigger than before. But if I do a Ctrl-Minus in my SeaMonkey to switch to a smaller font, the font-size of the new menu on the left side becomes much ''too'' small... [stevel] Thanks Matthias. Please log any such suggestions using the link at the top of this page so that they can be tracked. Any resolution might take time, there's been a *lot* of work go into getting the Wiki to this stage, so all concerned (Colin, Jos, myself) need to get back to real life for a while. ---- [EKB] I've found that I can't view the wiki on my Palm T|X using its built-in browser, Blazer. Apparently it has to have a .html or .htm extension to be happy (and I couldn't find an option to say, "assume an html extension if none is present"). Is there a reason these pages don't have an html extension? They seem to be plain ol' HTML. Thanks. [jdc] You can add `.html` to page numbers. Internal refs are always without `.html` so you will have to add `.html` often. [EKB] Thanks for that information. Unfortunately, that won't work for me. The Palm browser doesn't give the URL (without .html) in the address bar, where I could edit it. Instead, it pops up an error message saying that it doesn't have a reader for the specified content, then offers to either save the content (where presumably I could view it as plain text) or cancel. Would it be possible to add a feature on the server/wikit side that would add ".html" to pages without extensions for stupid browsers like Blazer that can't figure out a page's content aside from its extension? Thanks. ---- See also [problem reports against previous wikit version] ---- !!!!!! | [Category Wikit] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] | !!!!!!