'''February 2003''' [Wikit] (and [sdx] for that matter) has, in the past 2+ years, evolved even farther. Some of the command line arguments available at this time are: * -readonly - wikit is browse only * -images - see [Adding images to local mode wikis] for details * -update * -httpd ---- ''''October 2002''' - Is the current Tcler's wiki the new, post-VFS, starkit version? Yes - it's the same Starkit that you can download from http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/wikit.kit - [stevel] ---- See [wikitool] http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/wikitool.tcl for a tool to list and extract the contents of the Tcl'ers Wiki. ---- '''Obsolete data on the remainder of this page has been removed (11feb03 -[jcw])''' If you have an old pre-VFS or pre-starkit version of wikit.tkd, consider upgrading. It is a matter of getting the new tclkit, wikit.kit, and using your wikit.tkd file as datafile. All necessary conversion will be done automatically when access with the new wikit code, suign Metakit's on-the-fly file restructuring. ---- [[ [Category Wikit] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] ]]