Version 9 of Tkpaint

Updated 2003-12-02 10:42:39

Fill in details about tkpaint here.

Unfortunately, the primary web page for tkpaint appears to have vanished from the internet.

A version of tkpaint is available if you google though.

more details to come.

If anyone has a version of tkpaint that works with tcl/tk 8.4.5, please drop a note here.

The home page of tkPaint is here: and for a unix version.


escargo 1 Dec 2003 - I downloaded this version (1.6) and verified that it at least starts and appears to function with ActiveTcl on Windows XP Pro.

Does anyone know if the version on samy's page has the changes for Unix in it? I would find out by looking - but the web address on the official page is bad. Also, I tried signing up for the news mailing list, and that fails.

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