[FF] 2008-05-11 - Perhaps you know this game (under the name of Pipe Mania, Pipe Dream, Mac Pipe, ...). Here's my version, actually very minimal, features a tiny set of tiles, just what you need to enjoy. I added also highscore. I hope that works on windows also. Note: it requires also [TkPipes-Data.tcl]. ENJOY! Update: new artwork! [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/images/FF/tclpipes-new.png] ---- [hae] added help dialog and pause functionality [FF] nice! usability increased a lot! I added a pause message, just to not let the gamer cheat ;P [FF] renamed it to TkPipes as all other games are named this way. If you want to keep your high score, rename .tclpipes to .tkpipes in your $HOME directory. ---- set dir [file dirname [info script]] set opts(delay,flood) 200 set opts(dateformat) {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M} set opts(pipesDataFile) [file join $dir TkPipes-Data.tcl] set opts(help) { TkPipes by Federico Ferri - 2008 http://wiki.tcl.tk/FF Controls p - Pause Space - Continue Left click on the timer bar to start flood immediately } proc image_rotate {img angle img_dest} { set w [image width $img] set h [image height $img] image create photo $img_dest switch -- $angle { 90 { set buf {} $img_dest copy $img for {set i 0} {$i < $w} {incr i} { set rowbuf {} for {set j [expr {$h-1}]} {$j >= 0} {incr j -1} { foreach {r g b} [$img_dest get $i $j] break lappend rowbuf [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b] } lappend buf $rowbuf } $img_dest config -width $h -height $w $img_dest put $buf } 180 { $img_dest copy $img -subsample -1 -1 } 270 { image_rotate $img 180 ${img_dest}_tmp image_rotate ${img_dest}_tmp 90 $img_dest image delete ${img_dest}_tmp } flipx { $img_dest copy $img -subsample -1 1 } } } proc load_tileset {diroff name q {destname {}} {flip 0}} { if {$destname == {}} {set destname $name} set dir {N E S W N E S W} for {set i 0} {$i < $q} {incr i} { if $flip { image create photo ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i}_tmp \ -data [lindex $::data($name) $i] image_rotate ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i}_tmp flipx \ ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i} image delete ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i}_tmp } else { image create photo ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i} \ -data [lindex $::data($name) $i] } foreach {a n} {90 1 180 2 270 3} { image_rotate ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff]_${i} $a \ ${destname}_[lindex $dir $diroff+$n]_${i} } puts -nonewline "."; flush stdout } } proc load_all {} { puts -nonewline "Loading"; flush stdout source $::opts(pipesDataFile) load_tileset 2 curve 5 curve_l load_tileset 2 curve 5 curve_r 1 load_tileset 0 straight 5 load_tileset 3 cross 9 cross_l 1 foreach {im nlist} {sink {0} empty {0 1 2}} { foreach n $nlist { image create photo ${im}_$n -data [lindex $::data($im) $n] }} puts "OK" } proc check {blk src_dir} { if {[llength $blk] == 4} { # is a cross return [string map {N S S N E W W E} $src_dir] } elseif {[llength $blk] == 2} { # is either straight or curve set idx [lsearch -exact $blk $src_dir] if {$idx == -1} {return {}} return [lindex $blk [string map {0 1 1 0} $idx]] } else { puts "# [info level 0] WTF?" } } proc move {x y dir} { set delta [string map {N {0 -1} E {1 0} S {0 1} W {-1 0}} $dir] incr x [lindex $delta 0] incr y [lindex $delta 1] return [list $x $y] } proc board:create {w h} { set ::W $w set ::H $h set ::CS 64 set pw [expr {$::CS*$::W}] set ph [expr {$::CS*$::H}] canvas .c -width $pw -height $ph for {set y 0} {$y < $h} {incr y} { for {set x 0} {$x < $w} {incr x} { .c create image [expr {1+$x*$::CS}] [expr {1+$y*$::CS}] \ -anchor nw -image empty_0 -tags [list b_${x}_${y}] .c bind b_${x}_${y} "board:click $x $y" } } grid .c -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 2 } proc board:put {x y id {frame 0}} { .c create image [expr {1+$x*$::CS}] [expr {1+$y*$::CS}] \ -image ${id}_${frame} -anchor nw -tags [list p_${x}_${y} pieces] if {$id != "empty"} { board:put $x $y empty 2 } } proc board:showscore {x y s} { .c delete txt_${x}_${y} foreach {dx dy c} {0 -1 B 1 0 B 0 1 B -1 0 B 0 0 W} { .c create text \ [expr {$dx+($x+0.5)*$::CS}] [expr {$dy+($y+0.5)*$::CS}] \ -tags txt_${x}_${y} -text $s \ -fill [string map {W white B black} $c] } for {set i 40} {$i < 500} {incr i 50} { after $i ".c move txt_${x}_${y} 0 -1" } after 1000 ".c delete txt_${x}_${y}" game:setscore $s } proc board:click {x y} { if {!$::ACTIVE} {return} timer:continue board:put $x $y $::piece set ::B($x:$y) [piece:getblk $::piece_t $::piece_d] set ::PT($x:$y) $::piece_t set ::PD($x:$y) $::piece_d set ::F($x:$y) 0 preview:generate game:setscore -50 } proc board:initlevel {l} { array unset ::B * array unset ::PT * array unset ::PD * array unset ::F * set ::sinkx [expr {int(rand()*($::W-1))}] set ::sinky [expr {int(rand()*($::H-1))}] .c delete pieces board:put $::sinkx $::sinky sink set ::B($::sinkx:$::sinky) [piece:getblk straight E] set ::PT($::sinkx:$::sinky) straight_W set ::PD($::sinkx:$::sinky) E set ::F($::sinkx:$::sinky) 0 set ::LEVEL $l set ::ACTIVE 1 set ::TIME [timer:totaltime] set ::timer_id [after 1 timer:tick] timer:continue set nblocks [lindex {0 4 1 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4} $::LEVEL] for {set i 0} {$i < $nblocks} {incr i} { set blkx $::sinkx set blky $::sinky while {[expr {abs($blkx-$::sinkx)}] <= 1 && [expr {abs($blky-$::sinky)}] <= 1} { set blkx [expr {int(rand()*($::W))}] set blky [expr {int(rand()*($::H))}] } board:put $blkx $blky empty 1 set ::B($blkx:$blky) {} set ::F($blkx:$blky) -1 } } proc board:pause {b} { if {$b && $::ACTIVE} { foreach {w h} [list [.c cget -width] [.c cget -height]] {break} .c create rectangle 1 1 $w $h -fill gray -tags gamepaused .c create text [expr {$w/2}] [expr {$h/2}] \ -text "GAME PAUSED\n\nPress SPACE to continue" \ -justify center -tags gamepaused } else { .c delete gamepaused } } proc piece:getblk {p d} { set m {} switch $p { cross_l - cross_r {return {N E S W}} curve_l {set m {N {N E} E {E S} S {S W} W {W N}}} curve_r {set m {N {N W} E {E N} S {S E} W {W S}}} straight {set m {N {N S} E {E W} S {N S} W {E W}}} } return [string map $m $d] } proc preview:create {} { set n 1 canvas .p -width $::CS -height [expr {$::CS*$n}] grid .p -row 1 -column 1 set ::ACTIVE 0 set ::LEVEL 1 } proc preview:generate {} { set pl {curve_l curve_l straight straight cross_l} set ::piece_t [lindex $pl [expr int(rand()*5)]] set ::piece_d [lindex {N E S W} [expr int(rand()*4)]] set ::piece ${::piece_t}_${::piece_d} .p delete p .p create image 1 1 -image ${::piece}_0 -anchor nw -tags p } proc flood {x y d} { foreach {x y} [move $x $y $d] {break} if {![info exists ::PT($x:$y)]} {set ::ACTIVE 0; return} if {$x < 0 || $y < 0 || $x >= $::W || $y >= $::H} {set ::ACTIVE 0; return} set src [string map {E W W E N S S N} $d] set out [check $::B($x:$y) $src] if {$out == {}} {set ::ACTIVE 0; return} set dir {N E S W N E S W} if {[regexp ^curve_l $::PT($x:$y)]} { if {$out == [lindex $dir [lsearch -exact $dir $src]+3]} { set ::PT($x:$y) {curve_r} set ::PD($x:$y) $src } } elseif {[regexp ^cross_l $::PT($x:$y)] && $::F($x:$y) > 0} { if {$::PD($x:$y) == [lindex $dir [lsearch -exact $dir $src]+1]} { set ::PD($x:$y) [lindex $dir [lsearch -exact $dir $::PD($x:$y)]+2] } } else { set ::PD($x:$y) $src } set limit 4 if {[regexp {^cross_[lr]$} $::PT($x:$y)] && $::F($x:$y) > 0} { set limit 8 } while {$::F($x:$y) < $limit} { incr ::F($x:$y) board:put $x $y $::PT($x:$y)_$::PD($x:$y) $::F($x:$y) update after $::opts(delay,flood) } if {$limit > 4} { game:setscore -300 board:showscore $x $y +900 } else { board:showscore $x $y +300 } flood $x $y $out } proc timer:create {} { canvas .t -width 20 -height 287 -background black set y 6 foreach col {G G G G G G G G Y Y Y Y R R} { .t create rectangle 6 $y 16 [incr y 15] \ -fill [string map {G green Y yellow R red} $col] \ -outline {} -tags tmclick incr y 5 } .t create rectangle 0 0 20 287 -fill black -tags {time tmclick} bind .t {set ::TIME 0} grid .t -row 0 -column 1 } proc timer:totaltime {} { return [expr {20+(9-$::LEVEL)*10}] } proc timer:tick {} { if {!$::PAUSED} { incr ::TIME -1 if {$::TIME <= 0} { flood $::sinkx $::sinky E if {$::SCORE >= $::MINSCORE} { game:nextleveldialog } else { game:gameoverdialog } return } set h [expr {287-$::TIME*286.5/[timer:totaltime]}] .t coords time 0 0 20 $h if {$h > 200} {after 750 {.t coords time 0 0 20 287}} } set ::timer_id [after 1000 timer:tick] } proc timer:pause { } { set ::PAUSED 1 board:pause 1 } proc timer:continue { } { set ::PAUSED 0 board:pause 0 } proc game:new {} { catch {after cancel $::timer_id} set ::LEVEL 0 set ::SCORE 0 game:nextlevel } proc game:nextlevel {} { incr ::LEVEL set ::MINSCORE [game:minscore] board:initlevel $::LEVEL preview:generate game:setscore .sb.2 configure -text "Level: $::LEVEL " .sb.3 configure -text "Score required to access next level: $::MINSCORE " } proc game:createdialog { w title type } { set w .dialog_window catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w $title wm withdraw $w bind $w [list game:closedialog $w $type cancel] bind $w [list game:closedialog $w $type ok] bind $w [list game:closedialog $w $type ok] wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list game:closedialog $w $type cancel] return $w } proc game:closedialog { w type action } { grab release $w switch $type { {levelfinished} { game:nextlevel } } destroy $w } proc game:showdialog { w } { tk::PlaceWindow $w widget . catch {tkwait visibility $w} catch {grab set $w} err if {$err ne ""} { tk_messageBox -message $err -type error } wm deiconify $w } proc game:gameoverdialog {} { set w [game:createdialog .dialog_window "Game Over" gameover] if {![info exists ::playername]} { catch {set ::playername $::env(USER)} } set i 1 pack [label $w.l[incr i] -text "\nGame over!\n"] pack [button $w.b[incr i] -text "Ok" -default active -command "highscores:add \[$w.pn get]; destroy $w"] -side bottom pack [label $w.l[incr i] -text "Enter your name:"] \ [entry $w.pn -text "" -textvariable ::playername] \ -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 game:showdialog $w } proc game:nextleveldialog {} { set w [game:createdialog .dialog_window "Level finished" levelfinished] set i 1 pack [label $w.l[incr i] -text "Congratulations! Level completed\n"] -padx 5 -pady 5 pack [button $w.b[incr i] -text "Next level" -default active -command "game:closedialog $w levelfinished ok"] game:showdialog $w } proc game:highscoresdialog {} { set w [game:createdialog .dialog_window "High scores" showhighscores] set i 1 grid [label $w.l[incr i] -text "Hall of fame"] -columnspan 4 grid [label $w.l[incr i] -text ""] -columnspan 4 set row 3 if [llength $::HIGHSCORES] { set HS [lreverse [lsort -integer -index 0 $::HIGHSCORES]] grid [label $w.h1 -text " Score: "] -row $row -column 0 -padx 5 -pady 5 grid [label $w.h2 -text " Level: "] -row $row -column 1 -padx 5 grid [label $w.h3 -text " Name: "] -row $row -column 2 -padx 5 grid [label $w.h4 -text " Date: "] -row $row -column 3 -padx 5 incr row for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $HS]} {incr i} { for {set j 0} {$j < 3} {incr j} { grid [label $w.hs_${i}_${j} \ -text " [lindex [lindex $HS $i] $j] "] \ -row $row -column $j -padx 5 } grid [label $w.hs_${i}_3 \ -text [concat " " \ [clock format [lindex [lindex $HS $i] 3] \ -format $::opts(dateformat)] \ " "]] \ -row $row -column 3 incr row } } else { grid [label $w.l[incr i] -text "Empty"] -columnspan 4 } game:showdialog $w } proc game:aboutdialog {} { set w [game:createdialog .dialog_window "About" about] wm resizable $w 0 0 set f [frame $w.f] set i 1 set e [string map {R ri O co Q de Z fe I it W ma L il} ZQRO.ZrR.I@gWL.Om] pack [label $f.l[incr i] -text "TkPipes\n"] pack [label $f.l[incr i] -text "by Federico Ferri <$e> - 2008"] pack [label $f.l[incr i] -text "http://wiki.tcl.tk/FF\n"] pack [button $f.b[incr i] -text "Cheers!" -default active -command "game:closedialog $w about ok"] pack $f -padx 5 -pady 5 game:showdialog $w } proc game:helpdialog {} { set w [game:createdialog .dialog_window "Help" help] wm resizable $w 0 0 set f [frame $w.f -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] scrollbar $f.hs -orient horizontal -command [list $f.t xview] scrollbar $f.vs -orient vertical -command [list $f.t yview] text $f.t -height 14 -width 60 -relief flat \ -background white \ -xscrollcommand [list $f.hs set] \ -yscrollcommand [list $f.vs set] grid $f.t -row 0 -column 0 grid $f.vs -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $f.hs -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew $f.t insert end $::opts(help) pack $f -padx 5 -pady 5 pack [button $w.b0 -text " Ok " -default active \ -command "game:closedialog $w help ok"] \ -side bottom -pady 5 game:showdialog $w } proc game:setscore {{score {}}} { if {$score != {}} { if [regexp {^(\+|-)(.*)$} $score -> pm n] { set ::SCORE [expr $::SCORE$pm$n]} {set ::SCORE $score} } .sb.1 configure -text "Score: $::SCORE " } proc game:minscore {} { set delta {5000 5000 7500 7500 9000 9000 17500 17500 26000 35000 45000 50000 350 350 350 350 350} set r 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $::LEVEL} {incr i} {incr r [lindex $delta $i]} return $r } proc highscores:load {} { set ::HIGHSCORES {} set f [file join $::env(HOME) .tkpipes] if [file exists $f] {source $f} } proc highscores:save {} { set HS [lreverse [lsort -integer -index 0 $::HIGHSCORES]] set fh [open [file join $::env(HOME) .tkpipes] w] set count 0 puts $fh "set ::HIGHSCORES {" foreach line $HS { puts $fh " {[concat $line]}" incr count if {$count > 10} break } puts $fh "}" close $fh } proc highscores:add {name} { if {$name == {}} return lappend ::HIGHSCORES [list $::SCORE $::LEVEL $name [clock seconds]] highscores:save } wm title . "TkPipes" menu .mb . configure -menu .mb menu .mb.game -tearoff 0 menu .mb.help -tearoff 0 .mb.game add command -label "New game" -command game:new .mb.game add separator .mb.game add command -label "High scores..." -command game:highscoresdialog .mb.game add separator .mb.game add command -label "Exit" -command exit .mb add cascade -label "Game" -menu .mb.game .mb.help add command -label "Help" -command game:helpdialog .mb.help add separator .mb.help add command -label "About..." -command game:aboutdialog .mb add cascade -label "Help" -menu .mb.help bind . [list timer:pause] bind . [list timer:continue] grid [frame .sb -relief sunken] -sticky nesw -row 99 -columnspan 99 grid [label .sb.1 -relief sunken] -in .sb -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ew grid [label .sb.2 -relief sunken] -in .sb -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ew grid [label .sb.3 -relief sunken] -in .sb -row 0 -column 2 -sticky ew package require Tk load_all highscores:load board:create 10 8 timer:create preview:create ---- [HJG] 2013-12-30 - after playing a few games, I got the error "image "straight_W_W_1" doesn't exist" ... (procedure "board:put" line 2) ... The flow was hitting the source from behind, e.g. I had a pipe such as: -> -> +> O> +> -v ^- <+ <+ <- <+ <- !!!!!! %| [Category Games] | [Category Application] | [Category Graphics] |% !!!!!!