Offical Tcl/Tk Conference Call for Papers page is at Hopefully those attending the conference will update here regularly for those of us unable to attend... :-( We usually have a live feed from the conference. Any chance someone will do that this year? It's much appreciated by us poor folks who can't make it. [DKF]: As I understand it, there will be both an audio and a video feed from the conference. Personally, I'm not at all sure that the video feed (new this year!) will work out; it will be interesting to see. The opening will be at 9:00 CDT (local time in Naperville, Central Daylight Time). That is 16:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time) over here. Let's see what up until then. [JAG]: Donal, are these "feeds" internet accessible? If so, how / where? Thanks. [DKF]: Just online now at [MC]: My notes from [DRH]'s [SQLite] keynote are at [] ---- [[[Category Community]]]