Version 8 of TcomOffice

Updated 2018-04-28 17:32:55 by paul

TcomOffice was a utility package based on Tcom to script Microsoft Office functionality with Tcl.

This extension was formerly known as TcomExcel, but has been renamed in version 0.4.0 due to adding Word functionality.

It has been superseded by CAWT, the COM Automation With Tcl package.

PO 2008/09/11 - TcomExcel version 0.1 released. It includes Excel constants and enumerations as symbolic names, utility functions as well as some test programs.

PO 2009/07/19 - A new version (0.2) of TcomExcel with support for Excel 2007 is now available. Thanks to Cary Campbell for supplying enhancements and fixes.

PO 2010/10/29 - A new version (0.3) of TcomExcel with enhanced test suite and bug fixes for Excel 2007 is now available.

PO 2011/01/13 - A new version (0.3.1) of TcomExcel with support for Excel 2010 is now available.

PO 2011/04/05 - A new version (0.3.2) of TcomExcel with support to copy and paste data between Tcl and Excel is now available. It uses Twapi for managing the clipboard and is substantially faster than setting/getting individual cells.

PO 2011/07/17 - A new version (0.4.0) of TcomOffice with support to put table data from Excel into Word and vice versa.

PO 2011/08/28 - A new version (0.4.1) of TcomOffice with support to put table data from Excel into Mat-Files and 1-channel RAW image files and vice versa.

arjen - 2012-09-26 08:10:22

Two remarks on this nice package:

  • You need to use tcomword or tcomexcel as the package name (as they act as separate packages, there is no tcomoffice package perse
  • MS Word and probably MS Excel as well interpret the file names as relative to their default directory, not the working directory

arjen - 2012-09-26 18:25:21

And some more:

  • Replacing a string by an empty string causes a message about an "unknown error".
  • It seems you need to reset the search range after each string replace command.

Whatever the cause of these quirks, the package does what I needed it for ;).