[Tclhttpd] decodes URLs into references to functional modules called ''domains'', each of which is free to interpret the browser's [httpd] protocol interaction (including URLs) in any way it likes. Access control and Basic authentication is performed before dispatching to a domain. The following domains are standard with Tclhttpd: * [Tclhttpd Document Domain]: file access and templating. * [Tclhttpd Cgi Domain]: CGI processing. * [Tclhttpd Direct Domain]: direct calls of tcl procs yielding html and other data. * [Tclhttpd Redirect Domain]: support for redirecting URLs * [Tclhttpd Upload Domain]: file uploading of multipart/form-data. See [File Upload example] A new domain can be registered by means of the [Url_PrefixInstall] command, which maps a URL prefix to a tcl proc which handles all URLs with the given prefix. ---- [Category Tclhttpd]