Version 0 of TFTP Server

Updated 2004-10-20 09:50:58

David Easton 20 Oct 2004 - Here is a simple TFTP server written purely in Tcl but requiring TclUDP. It supports octet (binary) and nearly supports netascii (ascii) - see limitations below.

It has been tested by running it on Windows (Tcl 8.4.6) and using an HPUX 11i tftp client.


  • Security - Update tftpd::securityCheckRead and tftpd::securityCheckWrite to add security checking based on hostname or filename
  • netascii mode does not translate end of line characters - this is because it needs to read the socket in binary mode to determine the number of bytes of data sent, but could do with reading it with -translation auto to automatically translate end of line characters. 'Is there a way to determine how many bytes were read from a socket prior to translation of end-of-line characters?' Another solution would be to send the data through another socket to translate it.

Feel free to fix/improve this and use it however you wish.

 # TFTP Server/Daemon by David Easton,
 # Note: Transfers will be to/from the current directory if full path not given
 # Note: Security rules should be added to securityCheckRead/securityCheckWrite

 package provide tftpd 1.0

 namespace eval tftpd {

     package require udp

     namespace export tftpd

     variable S
     set S(rexmt)    5000 ;# Per-packet timeout (ms)
     set S(timeout) 25000 ;# Total timeout (ms)
     set S(listenPort) 69 ;# TFTPD port
     set S(verbose)     2 ;# Verbose output (2=high, 1=medium, 0=low/none)

 # Returns: 0 - Passed security check
 #          1 - Failed security check
 proc tftpd::securityCheckRead {host file} {
     verbose 1 "Running security check on sending $file to $host" 
     return 0

 # Returns: 0 - Passed security check
 #          1 - Failed security check
 proc tftpd::securityCheckWrite {host file} {
     verbose 1 "Running security check on writing $file from $host"
     return 0

 proc tftpd::verbose {level message} {

     variable S

     if { $level <= $S(verbose) } {
         puts "$message"

 proc tftpd::tftpd {} {

     variable S

     # Open listening port
     set sock [udp_open $S(listenPort)]
     fconfigure $sock -buffering none -translation binary
     fileevent $sock readable [list tftpd::tftpdReceive $sock]

     verbose 1 "Listening on UDP port: [udp_conf $sock -myport], sock: $sock"

 proc tftpd::tftpdReceive {sock} {

     set pkt [read $sock]
     foreach {host port} [udp_conf $sock -peer] {break}

     # Get packet type from 2nd byte
     binary scan $pkt xc type

     verbose 2 "Received type $type packet from $host:$port"

     if { $type == 1 || $type == 2 } {

         binary scan $pkt xxa* str

         if {[regexp {([^\000]+)\000([^\000]+)\000} $str - filename mode]} {

             verbose 2 "Filename: $filename, mode: $mode"

             if { $mode != "octet" && $mode != "netascii" } {
                 sendError $sock 0 "Unsupported mode $mode"
             } elseif { $type == 1 } {
                 startRead $sock $filename $mode $host $port
             } else {
                 startWrite $sock $filename $mode $host $port
         } else {
             sendError $sock 0 "Invalid packet format"
     } else {
         sendError $sock 4 "Illegal TFTP operation"

 proc tftpd::sockReceive {sock host port} {

     variable S

     set pkt [read $sock]

     # Check that host and port are as expected
     foreach {thishost thisport} [udp_conf $sock -peer] {break}
     if { "$thishost" != "$host" || "$thisport" != "$port" } {        
         sendError $sock 5 "Unknown transfer ID"

     cancelTimeout $sock
     set S($sock,timAfterId) [after $S(timeout) [list tftpd::timeout $sock]]

     # 1st 2 bytes determine the packet type
     binary scan $pkt xc type

     switch -- $type {

         1 -
         2 { # Error - should not get RRQ/WRQ here
             sendError $sock 4 "Illegal TFTP operation"
         3 { # DATA
             binary scan $pkt xxSa* block data
             set size [string length $data]
             verbose 2 "DATA received (block $block, $size bytes)"

             if { $block == $S($sock,lastblock) } {
                 # Already received, resend ACK
                 sendAck $sock $block
             } elseif { $block == $S($sock,lastblock) + 1 } {
                 # New data, save to file and send ACK
                 puts -nonewline $S($sock,fid) $data
                 incr S($sock,lastblock)
                 sendAck $sock $block
             } else {
                 # Unexpected block, send error
                 sendError 4 "Illegal TFTP operation, incorrect block number: $block"

             # Stop if $size < 512
             if { $size < 512 } {
                 verbose 1 "Receipt of $S($sock,file) complete"
                 closeSock $sock
         4 { # ACK
             binary scan $pkt xxS block
             verbose 2 "ACK received (block $block)"
             # Send the next block of data
             incr block
             sendData $sock $block
         5 { # ERROR
             binary scan xxxca* errCode errMsg
             verbose 1 "ERROR $errCode $errMsg"
             closeSock $sock

 proc tftpd::timeout {sock} {

     variable S

     verbose 1 "Timed out for file $S($sock,file)"
     closeSock $sock

 proc tftpd::cancelTimeout {sock} {

     variable S

     catch {after cancel $S($sock,timAfterId)}
     catch {after cancel $S($sock,pktAfterId)}

 proc tftpd::closeSock {sock} {

     variable S

     cancelTimeout $sock
     catch {close $sock}
     catch {close $S($sock,fid)}
     array unset S "$sock,*"

 proc tftpd::startRead {sock filename mode host port} {

     variable S

     if {[securityCheckRead $host $filename]} {
         sendError $sock 2 "Access violation"
     } elseif { ![file exists $filename] } {       
         sendError $sock 1 "File $filename not found"
     } elseif {[catch {open $filename r} fid]} {
         sendError $sock 0 "Error opening file: $fid"
     } else {

         verbose 1 "Sending $filename, mode $mode to $host:$port"

         if { $mode == "octet" } {
             fconfigure $fid -translation binary -buffersize 512

         # Create our new sending port
         set newsock [udp_open]
         udp_conf $newsock $host $port
         fconfigure $newsock -buffering none -translation binary

         # Listen for more replies
         fileevent $newsock readable [list tftpd::sockReceive $newsock $host $port]

         set S($newsock,fid) $fid
         set S($newsock,file) $filename
         set S($newsock,lastblock) 65025 ;# This is 255*255

         sendData $newsock 1

 proc tftpd::startWrite {sock filename mode host port} {

     variable S

     if {[securityCheckWrite $host $filename]} {
         sendError $sock 2 "Access violation"
     } elseif { [file exists $filename] } {
         sendError $sock 6 "File $filename already exists"
     } elseif {[catch {open $filename w} fid]} {
         sendError $sock 0 "Error opening file: $fid"
     } else {

         verbose 1 "Receiving $filename, mode $mode from $host:$port"

         if { $mode == "octet" } {
             fconfigure $fid -translation binary -buffersize 512

         # Create our new sending port
         set newsock [udp_open]
         udp_conf $newsock $host $port
         fconfigure $newsock -buffering none -translation binary

         # Listen for more replies
         fileevent $newsock readable [list tftpd::sockReceive $newsock $host $port]

         set S($newsock,fid)  $fid
         set S($newsock,file) $filename
         set S($newsock,lastblock) 0 ;# Record last block received

         sendAck $newsock 0

 proc tftpd::sendData {sock block} {

     variable S

     # See if all block have been sent
     if { $block > $S($sock,lastblock) } {
         verbose 1 "Send $S($sock,file) complete"
         closeSock $sock

     # This could be a resend, so seek to correct place in file
     seek $S($sock,fid) [expr {($block - 1) * 512}] start    
     set data [read $S($sock,fid) 512]
     set len [string length $data]

     # Mark as last block if less than 512 bytes
     if { $len < 512 } {
         set S($sock,lastblock) $block

     verbose 2 "Sending block $block ($len bytes)"
     puts $sock [binary format xcSa* 3 $block $data]

     set S($sock,pktAfterId) [after $S(rexmt) [list tftpd::sendData $sock $block]]

 proc tftpd::sendAck {sock block} {

     variable S

     verbose 2 "Sending ACK (block $block)"
     puts $sock [binary format xcS 4 $block]

     set S($sock,pktAfterId) [after $S(rexmt) [list tftpd::sendAck $sock $block]]

 proc tftpd::sendError {sock errCode errMsg } {

     verbose 1 "Sending error $errCode: $errMsg"
     puts $sock [binary format xcxca*x 5 $errCode $errMsg]

To use it, ensure that TclUDP is available and then:

 package require tftpd

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