Version 8 of Stickies

Updated 2005-11-29 14:23:38 by escargo

Here's a little package I wrote to do little sticky notes. It could easily be used as a stand-alone program with a little bit of saving / loading code, or it could be included as a package into any piece of software.

It requires Tcl 8.4 and has some features that are nice on Windows. With Tk 8.4.8 or above, it adds the ability to change the transparency of the sticky notes.

-- DC

 namespace eval ::stickies {
     variable stickies

     array set stickies {
         Font             "Verdana 9"
         Count            0
         Animate          1
         Padding          {2 15 2 2}
         DefaultWidth     175
         DefaultHeight    150
         MenuFont         "Tahoma 8"
         Background       "#ffff80"
         StickyPopup      ".stickyPopup"
         StickyPrefix     ".sticky"
         BorderBackground "#ffdf00"

 proc ::stickies::init {} {
     variable stickies

     package require Tk 8.4
     set m [menu $stickies(StickyPopup) -tearoff 0 -font $stickies(MenuFont)]

     $m add command -label "Delete Note" \
         -command ::stickies::DeleteSticky -font "$stickies(MenuFont) bold"
     if {[string equal $::tcl_platform(platform) "windows"]} {
         if {[package vsatisfies $::tk_patchLevel 8.4.8]} {
             $m add command -label "Set Transparency" \
                 -command ::stickies::SetTransparency -font "$stickies(MenuFont)"
         $m add separator
         $m add checkbutton -label "Always on Top" \
             -command ::stickies::AlwaysOnTop

 proc ::stickies::NewSticky {} {
     variable stickies

     set top $stickies(StickyPrefix)[incr stickies(Count)]

     set stickies($top,ontop) 0

     toplevel    $top -background $stickies(BorderBackground)
     wm withdraw $top
     update idletasks
     wm geometry $top 1x1
     wm override $top 1

     bind $top <3> [list ::stickies::PostPopup $top %X %Y]

     bindtags $top [list $top Toplevel $top StickyNote all]
     bind StickyNote <1>         [list ::stickies::GrabSticky   %W %X %Y]
     bind StickyNote <Motion>    [list ::stickies::StickyMotion %W %X %Y]
     bind StickyNote <B1-Motion> [list ::stickies::DragSticky   %W %X %Y]

     set padding $stickies(Padding)

     text $top.t -relief flat -background $stickies(Background) \
         -font $stickies(Font) -wrap word
     pack $top.t -expand 1 -fill both \
         -padx [list [lindex $padding 0] [lindex $padding 2]] \
         -pady [list [lindex $padding 1] [lindex $padding 3]]

     if {$stickies(Animate)} {
         ::stickies::AnimateSticky $top
     } else {
         wm geometry $top $stickies(DefaultWidth)x$stickies(DefaultHeight)

     wm deiconify $top

     focus $top.t

 proc ::stickies::AnimateSticky { window {w 0} {h 0} } {
     variable stickies

     wm deiconify $window

     incr w 10
     incr h 10
     if {$w > $stickies(DefaultWidth)}  { set w $stickies(DefaultWidth)  }
     if {$h > $stickies(DefaultHeight)} { set h $stickies(DefaultHeight) }

     wm geometry $window ${w}x${h}
     update idletasks
     if {$w != $stickies(DefaultWidth) || $h != $stickies(DefaultHeight)} {
         after 5 [list ::stickies::AnimateSticky $window $w $h]


 proc ::stickies::PostPopup { window X Y } {
     variable stickies
     set stickies(ActiveSticky) $window
     $stickies(StickyPopup) post $X $Y

 proc ::stickies::DeleteSticky { {window ""} } {
     variable stickies
     if {![string length $window]} { set window $stickies(ActiveSticky) }
     destroy $window

 proc ::stickies::SetTransparency { {window ""} } {
     variable stickies
     if {![string length $window]} { set window $stickies(ActiveSticky) }

     set top $stickies(StickyPrefix)__set_transparency

     toplevel     $top
     wm title     $top "Set Transparency"
     wm withdraw  $top
     wm geometry  $top +[winfo x $window]+[winfo y $window]
     wm resizable $top 0 0

     set ::stickies::alpha [wm attributes $window -alpha]

     scale $top.scale -orient horizontal -from 0.0 -to 1.0 \
         -width 10 -length 150 -resolution .01 -showvalue 0 \
         -variable ::stickies::alpha \
         -command [list ::stickies::SetWindowAlpha $window]
     pack  $top.scale -side left -expand 1 -fill both

     button $top.ok -text "OK" -width 10 -command [list destroy $top]
     pack   $top.ok -side left

     $stickies(StickyPopup) unpost
     update idletasks

     wm deiconify $top

 proc ::stickies::SetWindowAlpha { window value } {
     wm attributes $window -alpha $value
     update idletasks

 proc ::stickies::AlwaysOnTop { {window ""} } {
     variable stickies
     if {![string length $window]} { set window $stickies(ActiveSticky) }

     set stickies($window,ontop) [expr $stickies($window,ontop) ? 0 : 1]
     puts "$window - $stickies($window,ontop)"
     wm attributes $window -topmost $stickies($window,ontop)
     puts "$window - $stickies($window,ontop) - [wm attributes $window]"

     $stickies(StickyPopup) unpost
     update idletasks

 proc ::stickies::StickyMotion { window X Y } {
     variable stickies

     set minX [winfo x $window]
     set minY [winfo y $window]
     set maxX [expr {$minX + [winfo width  $window]}]
     set maxY [expr {$minY + [winfo height $window]}]

     set x1 [expr {$X - 8}]
     set x2 [expr {$X + 8}]
     set y1 [expr {$Y - 4}]
     set y2 [expr {$Y + 4}]

     set cursor ""
     set stickies(dir) ""

     if {$x1 < $minX} {
         set cursor sb_h_double_arrow
         set stickies(dir) w

     if {$x2 > $maxX} {
         set cursor sb_h_double_arrow
         set stickies(dir) e

     if {$y1 < $minY} {
          set cursor sb_v_double_arrow
          set stickies(dir) n

     if {$y2 > $maxY} {
          set cursor sb_v_double_arrow
          set stickies(dir) s

     if {$x2 > $maxX && $y2 > $maxY} {
         set cursor size_nw_se
         set stickies(dir) se

     if {$x1 < $minX && $y1 < $minY} {
         set cursor size_nw_se
         set stickies(dir) nw

     if {$x2 > $maxX && $y1 < $minY} {
         set cursor size_ne_sw
         set stickies(dir) ne

     if {$x1 < $minX && $y2 > $maxY} {
         set cursor size_ne_sw
         set stickies(dir) sw

     $window configure -cursor $cursor
     update idletasks

 proc ::stickies::GrabSticky { window X Y } {
     variable stickies

     if {![string length $stickies(dir)]} {
         set stickies(Xoffset) [expr {[winfo x $window] - $X}]
         set stickies(Yoffset) [expr {[winfo y $window] - $Y}]
     } else {
         set stickies(Xoffset) $X
         set stickies(Yoffset) $Y

     set stickies(x)      [winfo x $window]
     set stickies(y)      [winfo y $window]
     set stickies(width)  [winfo width  $window]
     set stickies(height) [winfo height $window]

 proc ::stickies::DragSticky { window X Y } {
     variable stickies

     if {![string length $stickies(dir)]} {
         set x [expr {$X + $stickies(Xoffset)}]
         set y [expr {$Y + $stickies(Yoffset)}]
         wm geometry $window +${x}+${y}

     set adjX [expr {$X - $stickies(Xoffset)}]
     set adjY [expr {$Y - $stickies(Yoffset)}]

     set x      $stickies(x)
     set y      $stickies(y)
     set width  $stickies(width)
     set height $stickies(height)

     switch -- $stickies(dir) {
         "n" {
             set y $Y
             set height [expr {$stickies(height) - $adjY}]

         "e" {
             set width  [expr {$stickies(width)  + $adjX}]

         "s" {
             set height [expr {$stickies(height) + $adjY}]

         "se" {
             set width  [expr {$stickies(width)  + $adjX}]
             set height [expr {$stickies(height) + $adjY}]

     if {$width <= 0 || $height <= 0} { return }

     wm geometry $window ${width}x${height}+${x}+${y}
     update idletasks

 ## A little demo code.

 button .b -text "New Sticky" -command ::stickies::NewSticky
 pack .b -expand 1 -fill both

MG Dec 16th - Very nice, DC. This code could be really useful in a wide variety of applications, IMHO, as well as being a great example for people. One thing that would make it more useful, though, is if you could keep an entry for the sticky notes in the taskbar when it's used on Windows, so they don't get lost if -topmost isn't on. Anyone know if there's a way to do that? I tried the [wm attributes -toolwindow] option, and [wm transient], but neither worked...

ABU 5-Oct-2005 - Sticky 1.0 announce

ABU 28-Nov-2005 - Sticky 2.0 announce

Based on the original work of Damon , this is a screenshot of my little big application

Sticky allows you to stick small pieces of paper over your desktop.

  • You can use it to write down your notes.
  • You can easily move, resize, change the colors and fonts used in these sticky-notes.
  • All the sticky-notes are automatically saved on exiting (see .sticky.ini in your home directory)

Starting from version 2.0, Sticky is able to handle the logoff/shutdown event. In this way you can be sure that everything is automaticatally saved when user's sessions ends.

Note that the capability to handle the logoff/shutdown event is provided only for the starpack version (sticky-2.0.exe).

More info and download at [L1 ].

escargo 29 Nov 2005 - I discoverend experimentally that you need to right click on the top bar to access sticky configuration options. The documentation said control was possible, but did not say how to do it.

Category Application