if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2004-08-20 - "Small Caps" is a typesetting style in which each letter is set with all uppercase glyphs, but the logical "lowercases" are in a smaller point size, like 60..80 % of the logical "uppercase" letters. Here's my take to implement them for [Tk]'s [text] widget. You specify the widget, the position where to insert (I often use "end" there), the text itself, and optionally a font, and a smallness percentage (defaults to 67%). [http://mini.net/files/smallcaps.png] I noticed that on Win95 with Tcl 8.4.5, the default font for text widgets {{MS Sans Serif]} 8} is not rendered smaller to 5 pt, even if specified. So better give an explicit font if the smallcapping doesn't seem to work... Also, for i18n, you might extend the regular expression ''re'' below, but the Wiki often defaces umlauts pretty badly, so I left them out for now. } proc smallcaps {w index text {font ""} {smallness 67}} { if {$font eq ""} {set font [$w cget -font]} set bigtag [string map {" " _ \{ _ \} _} $font] $w tag configure $bigtag -font $font set bigsize [lindex $font 1] set smallsize [expr {round($bigsize*$smallness/100.)}] set smallfont [lreplace $font 1 1 $smallsize] set smalltag [string map {" " _ \{ _ \} _} $smallfont] $w tag configure $smalltag -font $smallfont set cmd [list $w insert $index] set re {([A-Z]*)([^A-Z]*)} foreach {- big small} [regexp -all -inline $re $text] { lappend cmd $big $bigtag [string toupper $small] $smalltag } eval $cmd } #-- Testing: pack [text .t] smallcaps .t end "Testing SmallCaps..\n\n" {Times 12} .t insert end "This is normal text, in comparison" ---- [Arts and crafts of TclTk programming]