Version 28 of Search

Updated 2015-11-10 00:07:13 by pooryorick

Search describes the features and use of this wiki's search facility.

See Also

The search page for this wiki.
Google search of this site
Add your search terms after the google search term


The search interface is based on sqlite's full text search . The search string is passed as MATCH argument, including the * characters. Check for more information about sqlite and full text search.

The sqlite in use at the wiki has been compiled with -DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS so the Enhanced Query Syntax is available. This makes is possible to do the searches with an implicit AND as before but also allows you to refine your search using the AND, OR and NOT keywords.

jnc: Using the FTS3 Parenthesis option, you can now search for things such as https NOT soap or https AND (soap OR json)

tjk: If you want to search for an explicit string such as "package require registry" you should connect the words with a NEAR/2 qualifier. Thus a search for 'package NEAR/2 require NEAR/2 registry' will find all pages that contain the string "package require registry".

emj: Actually you can just search for "package require registry" including the quotes in the search box.

EMJ: You don't need to search for pages in a category since the category page itself will give you that, but you can search for a page that is in two categories with

categor* NEAR cat1 NEAR "other cat"

(quote any category name with more than one word). This will work for both older and newer category markup but will miss if a page has too many categories (but you could try NEAR/20 for that). It will also miss a single category link in the middle of the page with the other at the end, but there may be other tricks to cover that (which may become too complicated to be viable).

Simple URL matching

If a page named somename exists, then somename jumps directly to that page. Otherwise, it returns the results of a regular search for that term. All the normal search syntax is available.


Unless quoted as described below, search terms are delimited by characters that are not that letters or numbers. FTS search times only have their special meaning when they are in ALL-CAPS. In addition to the sqlite FTS operators, the following operators are available:

Excludes the term from the results
guarantess that the term exists in any search results. Since search terms are by default implicitly the operands of AND, this operator is not useful.
Between double quotes, other special characters take on their literal meaning instead.


The * used in previous versions of the search to distinguish between searching in titles or page content is no longer supported. Searches are now always done on titles and page content. The results are listed sorted on the last-edited-data, most recent first. Results are presented in two groups, tile results are shown in the first group, followed by the results of full-page content search in the second group.