The Tclers Wiki search page is available at . This search corresponds to the ''search in titles'' box in the left column. It is based on [sqlite]'s [|%full text search]. The search string is passed as `MATCH` argument. Searches not ending with a `*` are done on page titles only. Searches ending with a * are done on page titles and page contents. To use a `*` in the search string, make sure to end your search with a space to only search titles and with a `*` to search titles and contents. The [sqlite] in use at the wiki has been compiled with `-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS` so the ''Enhanced Query Syntax'' is available. This makes is possible to do the searches with an implicit `AND` as before but also allows you to refine your search using the `AND`, `OR` and `NOT` keywords. ---- Here below, you'll find the old content of page 2. ---- During Feb, 2002, [Gerald Lester] posted some basic Tcl code to news:comp.lang.tcl implementing version 0.1 of a Tcl script level package to perform packed decimal math. For a C based solution to precise math, see [mpexpr]. ---- ====== package provide packedDecimal 0.1 namespace eval packedDecimal { namespace export add subtract multiply divide setDecimals variable decimals 2 variable formatString {%d.%2.2d} variable carry 100 } proc packedDecimal::add {a b} { variable decimals variable formatString scan $a %d.%d a1 a2 scan $b %d.%d b1 b2 incr a2 $b2 if {[string length $a2] > $decimals} then { incr a1 1 set a2 [string range $a2 1 end] } incr a1 $b1 return [format $formatString $a1 $a2] } proc packedDecimal::subtract {a b} { variable decimals variable formatString variable carry scan $a %d.%d a1 a2 scan $b %d.%d b1 b2 incr a2 -$b2 if {$a2 < 0} then { incr b1 1 set a2 [expr {$carry + $a2}] } incr a1 -$b1 return [format $formatString $a1 $a2] } proc packedDecimal::multiple {a b} { variable decimals variable formatString return -code error {Sorry, Multiple is not yet implemented!} } proc packedDecimal::divide {a b} { variable decimals variable formatString return -code error {Sorry, Divide is not yet implemented!} } proc packedDecimal::setDecimals {a} { variable decimals variable formatString variable carry 100 set formatString [format {%%d.%%%d.%dd} $a $a] set decimals $a set carry [format "1%${a}.${a}d" 0] return; } proc packedDecimal::getDecimals {} { variable decimals return $decimals } ====== <>Wikit