Version 31 of Salvatore Sanfilippo

Updated 2004-03-27 22:02:51

Salvatore Sanfilippo

I'm here because I like Tcl! :)

Other languages I like are: C, Scheme, SmallTalk, FORTH, Joy.

Random Stuff

The regmap function may be more secure (against malicious user input) and clean than the usual regsub+subst way, at least some time. Please tell me if something like this is already in some well known library.

A different design for Tcl-like languages, with first-class functions: Functions As Values

A let for Tcl: let2 (the let wiki page was already used).

References for Tcl: Tcl References in Tcl (updated version, and C implementation under development)

A Joy stackless/tailrecursive compiler/VM written in Tcl: A Joy implementation in Tcl

lsplit is a useful command ripped from the Joy programming language.

Tcl_Obj types list

Alists for Tcl




Sugar Sugar command macros Sugar syntax macros Sugar transformers


Arity corner cases in math commands (about TIP 174).

Tk code to handle the keyboard in a raw mode. Useful for games or to control real hardware. Uses a trick, don't know if it will work in future or past version of Tcl.

 namespace eval RawKeys {}
 set ::RawKeys::Flag 0
 set ::RawKeys::LastEvent {-1 0 -1}
 set ::RawKeys::Delay 50

 proc ::RawKeys::Init {userPressHandler userReleaseHandler} {
     bind . <KeyPress> [list ::RawKeys::pressHandler %k $userPressHandler]
     bind . <KeyRelease> [list ::RawKeys::releaseHandler %k $userReleaseHandler]

 proc ::RawKeys::pressHandler {keycode userHandler} {
     variable LastEvent
     variable Delay
     variable Flag
     set Flag 1
     set deliver 1
     if {[lindex $LastEvent 0] == $keycode && \
         ([clock clicks -milliseconds] - [lindex $LastEvent 2]) < $Delay} {
         set deliver 0
     set LastEvent [list $keycode 1 [clock clicks -milliseconds]]
     if {$deliver} {
         $userHandler $keycode

 proc ::RawKeys::releaseHandler {keycode userHandler} {
     variable LastEvent
     variable Delay
     variable Flag
     set deliver 1
     set Flag 0
     set LastEvent [list $keycode 0 [clock clicks -milliseconds]]
     if {$Flag} {
         set deliver 0
     if {$deliver} {
         $userHandler $keycode

 #################################### Example ################################### 

 puts "Enter the blank window and press/release random keys" 

 array set ::pressed {}

 proc press keycode {
     set ::pressed($keycode) {}
     puts "=== pressed $keycode! === ([lsort [array names ::pressed]])"

 proc release keycode {
     catch {unset ::pressed($keycode)}
     puts "=== release $keycode! === ([lsort [array names ::pressed]])"

 ::RawKeys::Init press release

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