[MEd] 2006/03/09: Just another kind of "wiki-reaping". This little script allows you to run source code which is currently located in the system's clipboard. You can choose between * Sandbox mode: The code runs in a [safe] interpreter to protect the system against unwanted actions (delete files, ...) * Standard mode: The code runs in a normal interpreter, everything is allowed To run code on wiki pages just select the text passage in your browser window -> right-click -> copy to clipboard. I tried to run [A Simple Fan Animation] this way and it worked with both, sandbox and standard mode. ---- package require Tk proc runinterp {} { .out.output delete 1.0 end if {$::runsecure} { puts "Starting safe interpreter..." set engine [safe::interpCreate -nestedLoadOk] safe::loadTk $engine $engine alias wm caughtwm $engine alias tk_messageBox caughtmsgbox } else { puts "Starting standard interpreter..." set engine [interp create] $engine eval "package require Tk" } $engine alias puts slaveputs $engine eval [clipboard get] } proc caughtmsgbox {args} { eval tk_messageBox $args -parent . } proc caughtwm {args} { .out.output insert end "Caught: wm $args\n" } proc slaveputs {pstring} { .out.output insert end "> $pstring\n" } proc viewclip {w} { $w delete 1.0 end $w insert 1.0 [clipboard get] } set runsecure 1 . configure -padx 5 frame .ctrl -pady 5 -pady 5 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 frame .out checkbutton .ctrl.trusted -text "Sandbox mode" -variable runsecure button .ctrl.run -text "Run clipboard code" -command runinterp button .ctrl.view -text "View clipboard content" -command {viewclip .out.output} button .ctrl.exit -text "Exit" -command exit scrollbar .out.vbar -orient vertical -command {.out.output yview} scrollbar .out.hbar -orient horizontal -command {.out.output xview} text .out.output -font "Courier 10" -width 50 -height 15 -xscrollcommand {.out.hbar set} -yscrollcommand {.out.vbar set} -wrap none grid .out.output -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news grid .out.vbar -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ns grid .out.hbar -row 2 -column 1 -sticky we grid rowconfigure .out 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure .out 1 -weight 1 pack .ctrl.trusted .ctrl.run .ctrl.view .ctrl.exit -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 5 pack .ctrl -expand 1 -fill x -pady 5 pack .out -expand 1 -fill both -pady 5 ### End of script ---- [MEd] Beside this there seems to be a bug in Tcl/Tk 8.4 when running on [Windows]: It was not possible for me to enter text in an [entry] or [text] widget within an [safe] interpreter, however it works fine under [Linux] (and it also works fine on both, Linux and Windows when using Tcl/Tk 8.5). ---- [Category Application]