-- Legal name: Richard Suchenwirth-Bauersachs ---- '''Development engineer''' at Siemens Electrocom, Konstanz [], Germany (makers of Postal Automation Equipment: letter/flat/parcel sorters etc.: ), sitting in the same room with [Ulf Jasper]. Sorry, my real homepage is on our firewalled intranet, so I'm slightly verbose here. '''Learnt programming''' on a Diehl Combitron S back in '73, but my first "real" machine was an IBM 1130 (boasting 32KB "core memory"; saving source code to disk was considered wasteful -- keep the punch cards instead..;-). Went from Univac 1108 to Pr1me 750 to PDP to VAX to Symbolics to Sun (plus TRS-80, Schneider Joyce, Atari ST, DOS/Win boxes). I write C when I have to, and Tcl when I feel like it (that's often). '''Linguist at heart''', so interested in (and pretty happy with) Tcl's styles as a programming language, and its support for natural (people's) languages (see discussion of [Salt and Sugar], [upvar sugar]). One thing I like about Tcl is its Play-Doh-like flexibility -- designed to be strictly Polish (function/operator first, arguments after), you can still introduce infix notation (for assignment) or circumfix notation (for indexing) - see [Radical Language Modification], [Is Tcl Different!]. '''Frequent Tcl user''' both at work (OCR software on Sun/WinNT) and at home (frolicking in Tcl's [Unicode and UTF-8] support for linguistic applications over the whole bandwidth of the now-withdrawn Bitstream Cyberbit font: Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Russian, plus some French and Icelandic thrown in ;-) and the introspection facilities that to my knowledge are second to none. -- [Unicode file reader]... I am very proud of my daughters, '''Hannah''' (*1986) and '''Hanke''' (*1990). They both know well what a mouse-click is, and love to play tennis, and dogs. Hanke won 4th prize at the ''TC Nicolai Bambini tournament'' [] in Constance on Jul 24, 1999. Contributions to this Wiki (unless linked to above): * [Guarded proc] -- how to detect or prevent proc redefinition * [99 bottles of beer] -- fun with Tcl * [Lambda in Tcl] -- first steps to functional programming * [Bag of algorithms] -- mixed stuff, fun and serious * [Bag of Tk algorithms] -- mixed widget stuff * [Language/Country name servers] -- ISO codes <-> English * [Unit converter] -- Does km/h <-> mph, DM <-> EUR, C <-> F ... * [subcommands] -- a value-added switch: automatic error message! * [A set of Set operations] * [Importing expr functions] * [tally: a string counter gadget] * [expr problems with int] ---- ... a good proc fits between thumb and middle finger... ... even O(N**N) may be ok, for sufficiently small N ... ... and "shimmering" is definitely not a four-letter word. (E.g. [subcommands])