'''Purpose: ''' [Kevin Kenny] is contemplating starting a project to rework the [clock] command. The purpose of this page is to present some of the issues with the current clock command, and collect feedback about how best to fix it. I wish I had time to more than merely applaud Kevin's work. This is long overdue! -- [CLN] The ideas explored in this page have been brought one step closer to appearing in the Tcl core; TIP #173 [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/173.html] is now (2004-03-12) being discussed. ---- The current (Tcl 8.4a3) clock command has served us well since Tcl 7.5, but it's starting to show cracks at all levels. It appears that nothing less than a complete rework may suffice to fix all the issues. (In that case, the existing [[clock]] command will be preserved, but deprecated.) '''1. The measurement of time.''' ''Mickey's little hand is on the six, and his big hand is on the nine.'' At present, Tcl's concept of absolute time is the count of seconds from a fixed ''epoch'' or zero point. The count is expressed as a signed 32-bit integer. This representation has a number of drawbacks. * ''Range.'' The representation of time cannot represent dates before 1902 nor after 2038. It is only a few years before banking applications, for instance, which deal with 30-year loans will run into the end of the permissible range. My Municipal Bond data server with 40 year terms already reaches this limit - I'm dropping data on the floor [JBR]. * ''Precision.'' The granularity of a second is not adequate for disambiguating timestamps in a number of applications. Now that NTP is a near-universal part of the networking infrastructure, it is routine to keep different systems' clocks synchronized to within a few milliseconds to tens of milliseconds, and one would want to time-stamp actions * ''Epoch differences.'' The time returned by [[clock seconds]] is relative to the time epoch of the underlying operating system, and the choice of epoch varies. This should be hidden from the user. Would that we could take Byron's advice: ''Think'st thou existence doth depend on time? / It doth; but actions are our epochs.'' * ''Non-uniform representation of time intervals.'' Most systems return absolute time as a count of nominal seconds of UTC from some epoch, ignoring leap seconds; two times that are a day apart will show precisely 86400 seconds (never 86399 nor 86401) between them, even if a leap second has occurred in between. A few systems (at least certain configurations of FreeBSD) return, instead, a count of seconds of TAI, and on these systems a day will be a second long or short if a leap second occurs. ''Proposal:'' Add to [[clock]] a [[clock milliseconds]] command that returns the nominal time from the Julian epoch expressed in milliseconds as a double-precision floating-point number. Double-precision floating point is chosen as a representation because it is available on all the platforms, unlike 64-bit integers, which are the most obvious alternative. The granularity of milliseconds, rather than seconds or days, ensures that any integer number of milliseconds will be represented exactly. The Julian epoch is chosen because many existing calendar algorithms, such as those published in the second edition of Reingold [http://emr.cs.uiuc.edu/~reingold/calendars.shtml], use Julian day number as their internal representation. The Julian day can be obtained from the millisecond count simply by dividing by 86400000 and casting to an integer. Since leap seconds cannot be predicted in advance, it is useful to assume that the day has a fixed length of 86400 seconds. For this reason, I propose that the Tcl clock be Smoothed Universal Time (UTS) [http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/uts.txt]. The code in ''TclpGetTime'' on the Unix platform (where the kernel clock is corrected with ''adjtime'') and on the Windows platform (where the Tcl clock is derived from a separate 'performance counter' that is disciplined with a phase-locked loop to the system clock) already comes close to the desired behavior. Anyone wishing to see the pain involved in combining the range of Tcl's per-second clock with the accuracy of its -millisecond support can check out: http://expect.nist.gov/stopwatch - [Don Libes] ---- '''2. Calendar''' ''I've been on a calendar, but never on time.'' - Marilyn Monroe The handling of the calendar is lacking some points that various users have requested. * There is no input of dates in the ISO calendar, e.g., 2001-W45-3 for "the third day of fiscal week 45 in 2001." Even the output of ISO dates has errors, since the calendar year and the fiscal year usually differ in either the first week of January or the last week of December. * There is no handling of "week of month" ("the fourth week of November"), needed for handling of certain daylight saving time locales. * There is no provision whereby the output could be localized to a non-Gregorian calendar. (Several locales still use traditional Hebraic or Islamic calendars as the civil calendar!) * There is no representation for multiple eras (BC/AD; the Japanese "Year of the Emperor" ([Things Japanese]); the Islamic "anno Hegirae"; the Hebraic "anno mundi"; etc.) For what it's worth, there's information on various calendars at http://www.copi.org/craig/events/calendar.html. -- [CLN] ---- '''3. Time zone''' ''At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves.'' - Robertson Davies Conversion of times between local and UTC (mislabelled, 'GMT,' in the Tcl documentation) depends on the calculations of the underlying system. * These calculations are often of poor quality (witness the famous 'April Fool' bug in Windows [http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/headlines/2001.asp], which is known to have caused a costly failure of at least one Tcl application). * Many of the underlying systems are capable of handling only a single rule for daylight saving time conversion. If the rules change, they fail to work. (In the pre-Tcl days, a number of applications failed in 1987 when the US Congress changed the dates on which daylight saving time began and ended.) * The time zone calculations cannot be localized for locales with unequal hours (several locales, particularly in Arab countries, still maintain solar hours as the civil time). * The system allows for only two time zones in an application, local time and UTC. Consider the case of a television station application wishing to report three times, local, UTC, and time at network headquarters in New York. -- particularly if the station's locale observes different daylight saving time rules than New York. (Or consider time clocks on Hoover Dam: one end of the dam is in Arizona which never observes DST, the other is in Nevada which '''does''' observe DST! -- [CLN]) * Choosing a time zone other than that of the local system is perilous; the handling of the TZ environment variable is capricious. * Input and output of time zones is by time zone name, which differs not only among languages and locales but also between operating environments. (I've seen my local time zone reported as EST, EST5EDT, -05, -0500, R, Eastern Standard Time, and America/New_York, among others.) This inconsistency causes severe difficulty attempting to parse the time zone on the way back into Tcl. There is no provision for output of the time zone in numeric form; [[clock format]] cannot produce, for instance, a date in RFC2822 form. ---- '''4. Localization and input/output issues''' ''...ad calendas græcas reponere.'' Tcl's handling of time ignores the locale. In many cases, it simply cannot be localized easily. Moreover, Tcl's input conversion for times suffers from an attempt to be excessively general; it succeds only in having peculiar bugs. * [[clock scan]] and [[clock format]] are not localized; they always use the defaults for the 'C' locale. They need to specify at least the standard language_country_variant locales, plus two more: ''system'' for the system's default locale, and ''user'' for the user's default. * [[clock scan]] also cannot be localized to specify, for instance, whether a given locale expresses dates as mm-dd or dd-mm. * The implementation of [[clock scan]] as a YACC parser without any indication on the command line of the expected format is dreadful. Attempting to deduce from context whether '2000' represents a year, eight o'clock in the evening, a hypothetical time zone (there is no time zone twenty hours east of Greenwich, but the syntax allows for it), or a numeric quantity (2000 seconds, for instance) results in a parser that satisfies nobody. * Use of [[clock scan]] for date and time arithmetic is one reason that it attempts to be a universal tool. It would be nice to have date arithmetic analogous to the ''Calendar'' classes in Java [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api/java/util/Calendar.html] or ICU [http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/userguide/dateCalendar.html]. There is no clear alternative to code that does things like set nextMonth [clock scan {+1 month} -base $today] [AK]: See http://www.purl.org/net/akupries/soft/pool/f_base_date.tcl.html ---- '''5. Related work.''' ''Non est, crede mihi, sapientis dicere, Vivam: Sera nimis vita est crastina: vive hodie.'' - Martial There are a number of related date-and-time packages out there. Alas, none of them seems both to do the whole job and to be suitable for incorporating wholesale into the Tcl core, for various reasons. ''Time zone manipulations: '' The Olson codes at [ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzcode2001d.tar.gz] and [ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/tzdata2001d.tar.gz] are comprehensive and widely used. The chief difficulty with them is that they are based on the 32-bit Posix clock and therefore die after 2037. Certainly, the time zone data sets should be considered for any implementation that we do of time zone conversions. ''Java and ICU: '' The Java classes, ''Calendar'', ''DateFormat'', and so on [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api/index.html], and the corresponding classes in ICU [http://www-124.ibm.com/icu/apiref/class_Calendar.html] and [http://www-124.ibm.com/icu/apiref/class_DateFormat.html] are comprehensive. They use a format scheme that is incompatible with strftime and strptime, but the two are fairly easily interconverted (such a conversion would be necessary in any case, in light of the fact that the system locale is specified with one scheme in Unix and the other in Windows). The key drawbacks to adopting these codes wholesale are their deficiencies in time zone handling and the fact that no C implementation exists. The C API provided in ICU is a wrapper layer around a C++ implementation; the Tcl core does not presume the existence of a C++ compiler on the target platform. ''The Reingold/Dershowitz codes: '' The standard references on computer calendrical calculations are a series of books and papers by Reingold and Dershowitz [http://emr.cs.iit.edu/~reingold/calendars.shtml]. Their Web site has a number of interesting reference implementations that could be good starting points for some of the needed calculations. Again, there is a programming-language barrier: the provided codes are in Common Lisp and C++, not in C or Tcl. ''The Pool library: '' [Andreas Kupries] provides one fine starting point for many date calculations in Tcl at [http://www.purl.org/net/akupries/soft/pool/f_base_date.tcl.html]. ''The Hall codes:'' Mike Hall has codes [http://www.enteract.com/~mghall/tcltk/julian-day-0.1.tar.gz] for calculations with Julian Day Number; again, these may prove a fine starting point. ---- '''6. Some contemplations''' ''Tempora mutantur et nos in illis'' [Arjen Markus] I have a number of remarks about the previous sections: * Why not introduce an option -milliseconds to the [[clock seconds]] command? Have it return the number of seconds as an integer number if this option is not present and otherwise as a double value. Indeed, [clock seconds -milliseconds] might well be an alternative syntax. I just didn't like it that much because it seemed to be contradictory: seconds are not milliseconds. --KBK We might use "-keepmillis" instead --AM I would like to introduce a -fmt option : default being %d i.e. truncated to int, alternativ %f or %.nf i.e. %.3f for millisecond resolution * Even more adventurous: if we let [[clock seconds]] always return a double value, would that break any existing scripts? Only those that somehow explicitly assume the time to be an integer number? I'm pretty sure that I have scripts that would break if presented with something that's not an integer. --KBK * If we leave the [[clock seconds]] as it is and introduce a new command [[clock milliseconds]] that uses Julian epoch, how do we know the relationship between the two? That suggests the base for [[clock]] to be Julian in all cases. That would be ideal: alas, that would require 64-bit integers, or else another format for [clock seconds]. The difficulty here is that seconds from the Julian epoch overflows a 32-bit word. --KBK * If we change the base for the [[clock]] command, then what other commands need reworking? Surely [[file stat]] is one: we want any date/time as represented by a single number to be comparable, in my opinion. I'd like to make the necessary documentation changes to indicate that [file stat] and [clock seconds] track the Posix epoch on all platforms (incidentally, fixing any that don't -- but I don't think there are any left). --KBK * How does the conversion from actual time to integer seconds work? Is that a rounding-off or a truncation? Probably the underlying system is responsible. The underlying system provides TclpGetTime (soon to be renamed Tcl_GetTime) which returns time in a structure comprising a 32-bit count of seconds from the Posix epoch and a count of microseconds within the second. The time is ignorant of leap seconds; inserting or deleting a second results in the clock's being sped up or slowed down by a factor of 1.001 until it once again agrees with its external reference. The smoothed time is truncated to give the count of seconds. (This is how it's implemented on Unix, Windows and MacOSX, just not explicitly documented.) Note that TclpGetTime on Windows provides significantly better precision than the system clock. --KBK * If we have [[clock seconds]] return a double value, then [[clock format]] and [[clock scan]] need revision as well. There is a clear advantage over the introduction of a separate Julian date and time: the result of any [[clock]] command would be compatible with any other time. You have a good point there, and I'd consider using the Posix epoch instead. In any case, there are going to be codes that want Posix, ones that want Reingold's 'absolute day', and ones that want JD or MJD; adding or subtracting an offset or multiplying by a constant factor isn't too much of a burden if the data are provided. --KBK * One limitation of the current [[clock scan]] command is that to parse non-English names of the months you have to build your own scanner. Though English is ubiquitous, it is not the only language found on computers. * Another one is the order in which months, days and years are presented and the separating characters. I am well aware of the fact that this leads to considerable ambiguities, but, well, these may be solved conveniently with a Java-like Calendar package. For instance, a date like 2001/05/01 would be written as "1 mei 2001" in Dutch and "1. Mai 2001" in German, or, numerically, "1/5/2001", respectively, "1.5.2001" Indeed. L10n of [clock scan] is the issue on which [clock scan] founders. What I want to do is break it into layers: + a low-level layer like the Calendar class in Java or ICU, which accepts dates and times in numeric format with the fields identified. + an intermediate layer like SimpleDateFormat in Java or ICU, or like strptime in C99, which accepts string dates in a format specified by the caller and takes them apart into the numeric fields. + a high-level layer that accepts a looser definition such as 'this is an RFC2822 date' or 'this is an ISO8066 date' and identifies the precise format in use to pass to the intermediate layer. This layer would include a simple-minded scanner generator so that l10n could happen fairly easily. I've been playing with some implementation ideas here. --KBK * Fairly arbitrary arithmetic is possible via Julian date/time: Mike Hall has a nice beginning of such a package at http://www.enteract.com/~mghall . What is lacking there is the manipulation via explicit procedures of hours, minutes and seconds. I've started a section on 'Related Work' above. --KBK ---- [Arjen Markus] In answer to questions by Brett Schwartz: You are probably doing that already, but manipulating dates internally via julian dates (just doubles in fact expressing date/time as the number of days and fractions thereof) makes life quite a bit easier. As for further suggestions: why not make the parser "programmable", that is add a feature that allows dates to be passed in in ways the user prefers, rather than try to do all of this yourself (something akin to Java's DateFormat class). That way you put the burden of understanding all formats yourself on the shoulders of the users. This also solves ambiguities like: 1-2-2002 which in most European countries would be interpreted as 1 february 2002, but in others and in the United States, as january 2 2002. I have no clear idea on how to do that in a simple way (or perhaps, yes, I do: use the format codes that [clock] already provides and reuse them in a parser/scanner). ---- [LV] I seem to recall that this package has a LOT of nice time/date/calendar functionality - most of which is in C. However, perhaps there ideas, etc. that could be used for ideas: What: Remind Where: http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind.html http://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/remind/remind-03.00.22.tar.gz Description: Remind is an alarm/calendar program which handles Roman and Hebrew calendars, sunrise, sunset and moon phases, is multilingual, does complicated date calculations (handling holidays propers), alarms, includes a WWW calendar server, and produces PostScript output. Uses Tk for an X front end. Available for UNIX, MS-DOS, OS/2 and other platforms. Updated: 03/2001 Contact: mailto:aa775@freenet.carleton.ca (David F. Skoll) ---- Related work, of potential interest: [Python]ic normalDate [http://starship.python.net/crew/jbauer/normalDate/], astrolabe [http://astrolabe.sourceforge.net/], and the widely-lauded mxDateTime [http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html]. ---- [nl] More related work, of potential interest: Hebrew/Jewish calendar algorithm can be found as "Chelm.org's algorithms of the Jewish calendar" [http://www.chelm.org/jewish/calendar/algorithms.html]. ---- ''[escargo] 12 Mar 2004'' - Isn't there really an issue of Julian dates that use noon as the time for a new day, versus midnight (customary calendar)? For that matter, some calendars use sunrise or sunset to determine the start of a new day. How would those issues be factored in? You're right that the Julian Day Number technically changes at noon. Tcl's "Julian Day" is actually the Julian Day Number beginning at noon on the given date. (It's convenient for astronomers to change the date at noon, they're asleep then anyway!) I could foresee the Hebraic calendar either being implemented with l10n for latitude and longitude or with the nominal date being that beginning at sundown on the previous day. The Hijri calendar needs solar time in any case, so there has to be some astronomy in any implementation of it. (It also has to include a disclaimer, since in many jurisdictions, the month does not begin until a mullah has actually observed the Moon.) The '''TLA''' ''TAI'' was used above. Is that ''Temps Atomique International''? Yes. Tcl's time model, however, is UTS [http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/uts.txt]. ---- [Category Suggestions] | [Category Date and Time]