[Keith Vetter] 2019-04-24 : Razzle Dazzle is a carnival game with extremely poor odds for the player. [razzle_dazzle_screen_small] ====== ##+########################################################################## # # razzledazzle.tcl -- Simulation of the Razzle Dazzle carnival game # by Keith Vetter 2019-04-22 # package require Tk set SCORE(score) 0 set SCORE(prizes) 1 set SCORE(cost) 1 set SCORE(cost,money) "\$1" set SCORE(spent) 0 set SCORE(spent,money) "\$0" set S(shuffle,rounds) 10 set S(shuffle,delay) 50 foreach font {titleFont scoreUFont scoreLFont boardFont} { catch { font delete $font }} font create titleFont {*}[font actual TkDefaultFont] -size 48 -weight bold font create scoreUFont {*}[font actual TkDefaultFont] -size 36 -weight bold font create scoreLFont {*}[font actual TkDefaultFont] -size 12 -weight bold font create boardFont {*}[font actual TkDefaultFont] -size 24 -weight bold set CLRS(score,num) red set CLRS(score,prize) green # https://i.imgur.com/MTeyAL5.jpg set SCORECARD { {{29 "PAY DOUBLE"} . . . . . . {29 "PAY DOUBLE"}} {{18 PRIZE} {42 "20 PTS"} {38 PRIZE} {15 "15 PTS"} {19 PRIZE} {41 "15 PTS"} {37 PRIZE} {14 "20 PTS"}} {{9 "100 PTS"} {28 } {48 "100 PTS"} {26 } {8 "100 PTS"} {30 } {47 "100 PTS"} {27 }} {{32 } {44 "50 PTS"} {25 } {13 "50 PTS"} {31 } {43 "50 PTS"} {24 } {12 "50 PTS"}} {{46 "50 PTS"} {34 } {11 "30 PTS"} {23 } {45 "30 PTS"} {33 } {10 "50 PTS"} {22 }} {{36 PRIZE} {16 "10 PTS"} {21 PRIZE} {40 "5 PTS"} {35 PRIZE} {17 "5 PTS"} {20 PRIZE} {39 "5 PTS"}} } # https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.UKwwWr7PWLV4ES_7cJXaigHaGD&pid=Api&f=1 # board: # http://www.goodmagic.com/websales/midway/photos/razzle2.jpg # https://youtu.be/527F51qTcTg?t=242 set BOARD { {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} {3 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 1 3 2 4 5} {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} {3 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 1 3 2 4 2} {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} {3 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 1 3 2 4 2} {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} {3 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 1 3 2 4 5} {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} {3 4 5 3 6 4 5 4 1 3 2 4 5} {4 3 2 4 1 3 2 3 6 4 5 3 4} } proc DoDisplay {} { wm title . "Razzle Dazzle" frame .play pack .play -side left -expand 1 -fill both DrawPlay .play frame .s pack .s -side top -fill both -expand 1 DrawScoreCard .s frame .b pack .b -side top -fill both DrawBoard .b } proc DrawPlay {f} { canvas $f.c -width 200 -height 200 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 MakeBall $f.c grid $f.c -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -pady 1i $f.c bind all <1> StartRoll $f.c bind all EndRoll set data { 1 score "Score so far:" ::SCORE(score) 2 prizes "Prizes you can win:" ::SCORE(prizes) 3 cost "Cost per roll:" ::SCORE(cost,money) 4 spent "Money spent so far:" ::SCORE(spent,money) 5 roll "Roll value:" ::SCORE(sum) } foreach {row w text var} $data { label $f.$w -text $text -font boardFont label $f.$w,2 -textvariable $var -font boardFont -width 4 grid $f.$w $f.$w,2 -row $row -sticky e } label $f.msg -textvariable ::SCORE(msg) -font boardFont -fg red grid $f.msg -row 6 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew ::ttk::button .about -text About -command About grid rowconfigure $f 7 -weight 1 grid .about -in $f -row 8 -columnspan 2 -sticky s -pady .2i FlashingLights } proc DrawBoard {f} { global BOARD $f config -bd 5 -relief solid for {set row 0} {$row < [llength $BOARD]} {incr row} { set ROW [lindex $BOARD $row] for {set col 0} {$col < [llength $ROW]} {incr col} { set value [lindex $ROW $col] set w "$f.b$row,$col" label $w -text $value -bd 1 -font boardFont -relief solid grid $w -row $row -column $col -sticky news } } grid columnconfigure $f all -uniform a -weight 1 } proc DrawScoreCard {f} { destroy {*}[winfo child $f] $f config -bd 5 -relief solid for {set row 0} {$row < [llength $::SCORECARD]} {incr row} { set ROW [lindex $::SCORECARD $row] for {set col 0} {$col < [llength $ROW]} {incr col} { lassign [lindex $ROW $col] num text if {$num eq "."} continue set w $f.s$num if {[winfo exists $w]} { set w $f.ss$num } _ScoreCardCell $w $num $text grid $w -row $row -column $col -sticky news } } label $f.s -text "RAZZLE DAZZLE" -font titleFont -bd 1 -relief solid grid $f.s -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 6 -sticky news grid columnconfigure $f all -uniform a } proc LightColor {} { # Pick random RGB color, convert to HSV and check V > .7 set light [expr {255 * .7}] ;# Value threshold while {1} { set r [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set g [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set b [expr {int (255 * rand())}] set v [expr {max($r, $g, $b)}] if {$v > $light} break } return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $r $g $b] } proc _ScoreCardCell {w num text} { set clr black if {[string match {[0-9]*} $text]} { set clr $::CLRS(score,num) } if {$text eq "PRIZE"} { set clr $::CLRS(score,prize) } frame $w -bd 1 -relief solid label $w,u -text $num -font scoreUFont -fg $clr label $w,l -text $text -font scoreLFont -fg $clr pack $w,u $w,l -side top -fill both -expand 1 -in $w return $w } proc HighlightNumber {num} { foreach w [winfo child .s] { $w config -bg white } set w .s.s$num if {! [winfo exists $w]} { return "" } $w,u config -bg lightgreen $w,l config -bg lightgreen if {$num == 29} { set w .s.ss$num $w,u config -bg lightgreen $w,l config -bg lightgreen } return [$w,l cget -text] } proc Shuffle {l} { set len [llength $l] while {$len} { set n [expr {int($len*rand())}] set tmp [lindex $l $n] lset l $n [lindex $l [incr len -1]] lset l $len $tmp } return $l } proc RollingMarbles {action} { global S if {$action eq "stop"} {set S(shuffle,stop) 1} if {$S(shuffle,stop)} return if {$action eq "start"} { set S(shuffle,cells) [Shuffle [winfo child .b]] foreach cell $S(shuffle,cells) { $cell config -bg white } set S(shuffle,active) [lrange $S(shuffle,cells) 0 6] foreach cell $S(shuffle,active) { $cell config -bg red } set S(shuffle,idx) 6 } incr S(shuffle,idx) if {$S(shuffle,idx) >= [llength $S(shuffle,cells)] - 8} return set cell [lindex $S(shuffle,cells) $S(shuffle,idx)] $cell config -bg red lappend S(shuffle,active) $cell if {[llength $S(shuffle,active)] > 8} { set cell [lindex $S(shuffle,active) 0] set S(shuffle,active) [lrange $S(shuffle,active) 1 end] $cell config -bg white } set values [lmap cell $S(shuffle,active) { $cell cget -text }] set ::SCORE(sum) [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$values] FlashingLights update after $S(shuffle,delay) RollingMarbles continue } proc FlashingLights {} { set color [LightColor] foreach w [concat .play [winfo child .play]] { $w config -background $color } } proc StartRoll {} { global SCORE S .play.c itemconfig txt -text "Let Go!" incr SCORE(spent) $SCORE(cost) set SCORE(spent,money) "\$$SCORE(spent)" set SCORE(msg) "" set S(shuffle,stop) 0 RollingMarbles start } proc EndRoll {} { global S SCORE .play.c itemconfig txt -text "Press\nMe!" set S(shuffle,stop) 1 set values [lmap cell $S(shuffle,active) { $cell cget -text }] set SCORE(sum) [tcl::mathop::+ {*}$values] set reward [HighlightNumber $SCORE(sum)] set SCORE(msg) "Nothing! Roll again" if {$reward eq ""} return if {$reward eq "PRIZE"} { incr SCORE(prizes) set SCORE(msg) "Bonus Prize!" } elseif {$reward eq "PAY DOUBLE"} { incr SCORE(prizes) incr SCORE(cost) $SCORE(cost) set SCORE(cost,money) "\$$SCORE(cost)" set SCORE(msg) "Bonus Prize!\nDouble cost" } elseif {[regexp {(\d+) PTS} $reward . pts]} { incr SCORE(score) $pts set SCORE(msg) $reward if {$SCORE(score) >= 100} { tk_messageBox -icon info -message "You Win!" set SCORE(msg) "You Win!" set SCORE(score) 0 set SCORE(prizes) 1 set SCORE(cost) 1 set SCORE(cost,money) "\$1" set SCORE(spent) 0 set SCORE(spent,money) "\$0" } } } proc GradientSteps {n c1 c2} { # Get RGB in 0 to 255 range foreach var {r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2} v [concat [winfo rgb . $c1] [winfo rgb . $c2]] { set $var [expr {$v * 255 / 65535}] } set grad {} for {set i 0} {$i <= $n} {incr i} { set r [expr {int($r1 + (($r2 - $r1) * $i / double($n)))}] set g [expr {int($g1 + (($g2 - $g1) * $i / double($n)))}] set b [expr {int($b1 + (($b2 - $b1) * $i / double($n)))}] lappend grad [format "#%.2X%.2X%.2X" $r $g $b] } return $grad } proc MakeBall {c} { set n 90 set steps [GradientSteps $n \#ddd blue] set centre 100 $c create oval 10 10 190 190 -tag o -outline black -width 10 for {set i $n} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} { #set centre [expr $centre - 0.55] set centre [expr $centre - 0.45] set x1 [expr $centre - $i] set x2 [expr $centre + $i] set color [lindex $steps $i] $c create oval $x1 $x1 $x2 $x2 -fill $color -outline $color } $c create text 100 100 -tag txt -anchor c -justify c -fill black -font titleFont $c itemconfig txt -text "Press\nMe!" } proc About {} { set title "Razzle Dazzle" set msg "" append msg "Keith Vetter April, 2019" append msg "\n\n" append msg "Razzle Dazzle is a carnival game with extremely poor odds for the player." append msg "\n\n" append msg "The game consists of a playing board with numbered holes upon which " append msg "eight marbles are tossed from a cup. The numbers of the holes the marbles " append msg "land in are summed, and that sum is looked up on a score card to determine " append msg "the outcomeof that roll. Some scores add points to the player's total, while " append msg "others add an additional prize or double the betting amount." append msg "\n\n" append msg "The player bets \$1 per roll and keeps going until he achieves 100 points--" append msg "the player doesn't \"lose\" until he walks away." append msg "\n\n" append msg "Mathematically, the game is a scam: rolling eight marbles is equivalent to rolling " append msg "eight dice resulting in a bell curve distribution. All the most likely outcomes " append msg "are worthless, and only the most rare outcomes achieve points. " append msg "\n\n" append msg "Furthermore, most razzle games also rely on a fast count by the game operator " append msg "to trick the player into believing he has a better number total than he actually " append msg "rolled. This is used to keep the player hooked into the game, increasing his " append msg "point total periodically, causing him to invest more and more into the game. " append msg "Increasingly the player believes that walking away would be a disaster: he only " append msg "needs one or two more points. Unfortunately for the player, he never actually " append msg "gets that last point." tk_messageBox -icon info -message $title -detail $msg } ################################################################ DoDisplay return ======