[aspect] 2011-05-21: Tcl is an amazing language, capable of [radical language modification]. [Scheme] is another such language, with some features in common: * very simple syntax with few special cases (Tcl: [dodekalogue]) * a minimal set of required definitions (Tcl: [If we had no if], [if we had no proc] * [Code is data] (Tcl: [EIAS]) It also has two killer features which I miss dearly when coding Tcl: * first-class functions * closures These are becoming more popular as the great unwashed discover their benefits through [Javascript], [Python], [Ruby] and other "modern" [dynamic languages]. It saddens me that Tcl is left behind -- I really like closures, and I really like Tcl. Can't they be brought together? A morning epiphany and a Saturday's coding led me to the following, which adds these features to Tcl, in just a couple of dozen lines, with only minimal impact on existing code. Side effects: * [proc] now creates variables * [x y z] is now equivalent to [apply $x [list y z]], unless a command called ''x'' already exists * variables with spaces in their names cannot be used as commands Otherwise, this should co-exist neatly with existing Tcl code. Unless you indulge in [braintwisters] and have procedures with spaces in their names or use variables which share their names with procedures, no code should break. The pure-Tcl implementation of [closures] does not permit garbage collection .. in theory, a C implementation which creates opaque objects could fix this. It could also byte-compile procedure bodies, so there should be no performance penalty. ====== # scheme in tcl # this gives us first-class functions, and only breaks code which does either: # - uses procedures and variables with the same name # - uses procedures (or variables) with spaces in their name proc unknown {cmd args} { if {[llength $cmd] > 1} { uplevel 1 [list apply $cmd {*}$args] } else { upvar 1 $cmd cmdvar uplevel 1 [list $cmdvar {*}$args] } } set lambda {{args body} {list $args $body}} # now we can dispense with [proc]! set proc {{name args body} {uplevel 1 [list set $name [list $args $body]]}} # scheme's (define) for Tcl set define {{name value} { if {[llength $name] > 1} { set args [lassign $name name] set value [list $args $value] } uplevel 1 [list set $name $value] }} # now we have three equivalent forms for defining procedures that live # in variables and can be invoked normally: # proc foo {args} {body} # set foo {{args} body} # set foo [lambda {args} body] # # Strictly [lambda] is unneccessary (just use [list]), but it makes Schemers feel more at home. # holder for closed-over variables namespace eval closed { proc K {x args} {set x} variable nextsym 0 ;# for gensym proc gensym {} { variable nextsym K $nextsym [incr nextsym] } } proc closure {vars bvl body} { set map {} foreach name $vars { set sym [::closed::gensym] upvar 1 $name var # quoting hell: # First, try to [upvar] $name into ::closed::$sym. # If that fails, it is a proc-local variable and we have to copy its # value into ::closed::$sym, then [unset $name] in our caller and # replace it with a link using [upvar]. if [catch [list namespace eval ::closed [list upvar 2 $name $sym]]] { namespace eval ::closed [list variable $sym $var] ;# copy value uplevel 1 [list unset $name] ;# THIS KILLs IT uplevel 1 [list namespace upvar ::closed $sym $name] ;# create reference } lappend map $name $sym } return [list $bvl [string map [list @MAP@ $map @BODY@ $body] { foreach {name closed_name} {@MAP@} { upvar #0 ::closed::$closed_name $name } @BODY@ }]] } # now we can go full circle: define {lambda bvl body} {closure {} bvl body} ====== We can take advantage of the new features by implementing objects via closures. Here's an example derived from [gadgets]: ====== define {Number {x 0}} { ::closure x {args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { set x } else { set args [lassign $args action] switch -exact $action { + { incr x [lindex $args 0] } - { incr x -[lindex $args 0] } * { set x [expr {$x*[lindex $args 0]}] } / { set x [expr {$x/[lindex $args 0]}] } = { set x [expr $args] } adder { ::closure x {} {incr x} } default { return -code error "Unsupported action: $action" } } } } } set x [Number] set y [Number 42] x + 3 y / 2 puts "[x], [y]" ;# 3, 21 set a [x adder] set b [y adder] puts "[a], [a], [a]" ;# 4, 5, 6 puts "[b], [b], [b]" ;# 22, 23, 24 puts "[x], [y]" ;# 6, 24 ====== A few questions remain: * does this break any existing functionality that I haven't noticed? * do my closures break under any conditions that I haven't picked up on? * what considerations are there to getting this into the core? (closure as a native command and type?) * can I get this on the [TIP] track for inclusion in [Tcl9]?