Version 0 of Peanut

Updated 2003-11-18 17:41:23

A rather unknown Linux distribution, found at [L1 ].

Derived from Slackware. It is worth knowing because:

  • it tries to be small. No longer so small as it used to be, but still considerably smaller than giants like SUSE or Redhat;
  • it tends to be quite fast;
  • it can be installed on a FAT32 partition; it gets too slow then, but Windows users may want to try it this way;
  • even in a native Linux partition, it provides the means to be launched from a DOS partition and a batch file. So you don't need LILO or Grub or anything that should strike fear into a newbie's heart because it might mess with the MBR.

It is a Slackware, though. It is not too friendly to newbies sometimes.

Peanut is created and maintained by one single man, in Canada, that goes by the name of "linuxkid".

Luciano ES testifies that ActiveTcl installs in it without the slightest glitch.

[ Category ??? ]