Version 1 of Pdf canvas

Updated 2007-09-06 14:39:52 by sarnold
 What: PDF Canvas
 Description: A package that implements a new canvas-alike (mega-)widget
      showing the screen representation of an a4 papersheet.
      The programmer may draw lines, rectangles and text labels
      the widget can export as a PDF file.
 Version: 0.1 (in development)
 Requirements: Tcl/Tk 8.4, Snit 1.1, pdf4tcl 0.2
 Date: 2007/09

An example of use:

 package require pdfcanvas
 pdf::pdfcanvas .can
 .can create rectangle -fill #FF0000 -outline #080
 .can toFile /tmp/testarno.pdf
 destroy .can

See also Trampoline!, Snit, pdf4tcl.

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