September 16-20, 2002 is the time, and Vancouver British Columbia Canada [] is the city (home of [ActiveState]) for the Ninth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference. Check for all the details. ---- [RS]: As one of the Tclers that cannot attend, I would be very happy if the lucky ones in Vancouver could let us know how it goes (maybe right here on this page?) [LV] I found an open terminal, and of course the second thing I did (after sending mail to the family) was stop in to update the page! I arrived yesterday pm. The tutorials are said to have gone well - I have talked to Ken Jones and Clif Flynt who were tired but pleased with the way their presentations went. Spent the afternoon talking with [stevel], [Steve Ball], [dkf], [aku], Clif, [Mark Roseman], [tclguy], [Mac Cody], [kennykb], and a number of others whom I have met over the past 3-4 conferences. It certainly is good to see them all again. Donal, Kevin, David Enry and myself grabbed a quick bite at a wonderful greek restraunt, then walked over to Activestate for the reception. Food, libations (for those who ate less than I at dinner), and loud music was the rule of the evening. I got to say hi to a number more Tcler's - like Matt Herdon of ActiveState - the tools manager - and [Richard Hipp], as well as others. After being on the go for about 20 hrs, I went back to the room, decellerated with a bit of tele time, and fell asleep. This morning, I'm up, chatting with the early birds (Mark informs me that Vancouver is a premeir place for Starbucks and other coffee shops...) and waiting for breakfast. We'll let you all know how things are going through the week. [Marty Backe] - Thanks for the update. Keep'em comin. [Dave Griffin] - Hello to all. Sorry I can't be there (again) this year. Sigh! [Ro] - Thanks - I wish I was there! Vancouver is far from Ottawa though ;( I can't wait to read Steve Landers' and Jean-Claude Wippler's papers! Anybody know if the talks are going to be available in mp3? I hope so! [steve] - a copy might be at [LV] I don't notice anyone video or audio taping the sessions, so I must assume that the sessions will not be available to watch. I have not yet seen any word on availability of the papers online, nor of the wonderful Proceedings CD that is a part of the conference. This morning, we had a keynote by Mark, talking about his 10 years with Tcl/Tk and how it played an integral part in the acquisition of Teamwave, a talk by our own [jcw] about the wiki, and 2 talks (so far) on uses of Tcl in applications - one, by the author of , a remote system admin package, and one by Hugh Dunne about testing high performance fiber optic switches. One more talk, and then time to go to lunch!