Version 2 of Multi-assign

Updated 2003-09-11 08:28:31

This page split out from Tcl 9.0 WishList

Larry Smith - Byte-compiled let

MSW @ 18 Mar 2003 multiple assignments via set

include something simliar into the core for set

 rename set theset
 proc set {args} {
  switch [llength $args] {
    0 { return -code error {wrong # args: should be set varname ?newvalue? ?varname ?newvalue?? ...}}
    1 { return [uplevel "theset [lindex $args 0]"] }
    2 { return [uplevel "theset [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]"] }
    default { 
      uplevel "theset [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]"    
      return [uplevel "set [lrange $args 2 end]"]

i.e. allow set to set multiple variables at once, where the last one potentially gets no newvalue. The value of the last varname is returned. I've really seen enough of

 foreach {a b c} {1 2 3} {}

don't you think

 set a 1 b 2 c 3

looks much nicer ? :)

RS Agreed - and it matches the way the variable command can be called. Just a little nit: it seems to become an idiom to rename original Tcl commands into the tcl namespace, so I'd write (testing, so I don't lose the original on repeated sourcing)

 if {[info command tcl::set] == ""} {rename set tcl::set}

MSW Good point - I've added it like this as an example to the set page.

DKF - I favour adding TclX's lassign command. It's well known already, and it doesn't tinker with the behaviour of a very basic core command. TIPs 57[L1 ] and 58[L2 ] cover this sort of area as well.

MSW I disagree. lassign's syntax is no bit better than abusing foreach, and that's how it looks like. Having a TIP there (#58 looks fine) is a good reason that this entry is not needed. And I don't think that leaving a core command at a crappy state is a good argument against enhancements. lassign and variable's semantics are different. It would be better that if whatever you used for multiple assignments (and I do favour set, for no incompatibility to its current use will arise!) had the same conventions as variable has, or changing variable to have the same convention lassign has - and breaking tons of scripts.

RS: I think the foreach...break idiom is no abuse. foreach has two functionalities:

  • assign values from one or more lists to one or more variables;
  • iterate with these variables over a code body.

Both functionalities can be used by themselves, and I think these are no abuses:

 foreach {x y z} $threeValues break
 foreach _ _ {#some code that runs once and may be left with [break]}

MSW I think it's an abuse because I'd prefer to not have foreachs iteration variables in the calling scope, and thus I treat foreach as if it didn't clobber its calling environment. But that's personal preference. Both the uses you cited as 'valid' uses of foreach are nice obfuscators imho...

FW: Optimize the idiom

  foreach {a b} {1 2} break

to be byte-compiled automatically into a series of set operations, making it no longer a major slow-down for small utility procedures that are run repeatedly.

jcw - How about extending "set" a teeny bit? Perhaps like this:

   % set a b c {1 2 3}
   1 2 3
   % set a
   % set b
   % set c

FW: I was gonna suggest that, but that's a more dramatic change. In an ideal world, both would happen, but Tcl gets changed extremely slowly, so it'd be idealistic to suggest both at once ;)

rmax: I think both changes would even be allowed in a minor release, as the foreach optimization doesn't change behaviour at all, and the set extension only makes a backwards compatible change.

DKF: There's a currently Draft TIP on extending the set command, and it is really unpopular with the TCT. We're kind-of hoping the author will withdraw the TIP sometime so we don't have to be mean and vote the suggestion down. FWIW, the consensus seems to be that the set command is inviolate, even across major versions.

DKF: The TIP in question is #58[L3 ] and it looks like it will be rejected outright (as I write this, the vote is in progress but there have been many votes against and none for.)

DKF: Yep. Utter rejection. Anyone wanting to modify set had better not rely on core mods to do it!

FW: Does the TCT have an opinion on the foreach mod idea? :)

DKF: Try TIP #57[L4 ] instead, though perhaps recognizing the foreach-as-multi-set idiom and getting smart with it may be done at some point too.

FW: The thing is, the current idiom is just as understandable, already in use, and doesn't add a new command just for sugar.

DKF: If we put TclX's lassign in the core, I think you'll find that that does rather more than the foreach idiom. :^)

Category Suggestions