Author: [pmarin] <
> Please add content only in the|%Comments%|%,|%Bugs%|% or|%News%|% section. ---- <> ---- **Introduction ** Muddy Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme language in Tcl. This interpreter tries to follow the awesome|%"Scheme from Scratch"%|% articles written by Peter Michaux. **Features** * Procedures ** define ** lambda ** begin ** Lexically scoped variables ** Proper tail calls * Binding Constructs ** let ** let* * Conditionals ** cond ** and ** or * Types ** integers ** characters ** pairs ** strings ** booleans * Primitives ** Type of Predicates *** not *** eq? *** null? *** boolean? *** symbol? *** atom? *** number? *** integer? *** zero? *** char? *** string? *** pair? *** procedure? ** Type conversions *** char->integer *** integer->char *** number->string *** string->number *** symbol->string *** string->symbol ** Working with integers *** + *** - *** * *** quotient *** remainder *** = *** < *** > ** Working with pair and list *** cons *** car *** cdr *** set-car! *** set-cdr! *** list ** I/O *** current-output-port *** open-output-file *** close-output-port *** display *** write *** newline *** write-char *** current-input-port *** open-input-file *** close-input-port *** read-char *** peek-char *** eof-object *** read ** Others *** apply *** load *** exit *** quit (return to tclsh if you sourced muddy.tcl) *** tcl-eval **Install** Muddy Scheme needs Tcl8.6 and tcllib (struct::stack) <
> The Github page is: <
> You can get the code with: $ git clone git:// **Example of use** $ muddy.tcl Welcome to Muddy Scheme, Copyright (c) 2010 Franciso José Marín Pérez Use ctrl-c to exit. > #t #t > -123 123 > #\c #\c > "asdf" "asdf" > (quote ()) () > (quote (0 . 1)) (0 . 1) > (quote (0 1 2 3)) (0 1 2 3) > (quote asdf) asdf > (define a 1) ok > a 1 > (set! a 2) ok > a 2 > (if #t 1 2) 1 > (+ 1 2 3) 6 > + # >^c $ **Bugs** **News** (2010-1-24) Almost all I/O procedures (2010-1-22) `Apply` and `not` <
> (2010-1-22) (V0.17) Added `let*`. There is a function in `debug.scm` that print [errorInfo]: ====== Welcome to Muddy Scheme, Copyright (c) 2010 Franciso José Marín Pérez > (load "debug.scm") #t > asdf unbound variable asdf in the environment Env:0 > (error-info) unbound variable asdf in the environment Env:0 while executing "error "unbound variable [$var val] in the environment $_env"" (class "::Env" method "lookup_variable_value" line 13) invoked from within "$envi lookup_variable_value $exp $env" (procedure "_eval" line 13) invoked from within "_eval $str $the_global_environment " #t ====== (2010-1-21) (V0.16) Added `let`, `list` and `tcl-eval`. Now is possible to eval tcl code: ====== > (tcl-eval "puts {Hello Tclers!}" ) Hello Tclers! #t ====== (2010-1-20) Added `load`. Now the REPL is wrapped with `catch` so if something goes wrong you will remain in the REPL (is a dirty hack but works). Updated to bootstrap-scheme V0.15. <
> (2010-1-19) Fixed the bug in the reader. Updated to v0.14 and added `and` & `or`. Now the interpreter is compliant with "The Little Schemer". <
> (2010-1-18) Muddy is compliant with bootstrap-scheme v0.14. I need to fix bugs in the reader. <
> [Accumulator Generator]: ====== >(define (foo n) (lambda (i) (set! n (+ n i)) n)) >(define acc (foo 3)) ok > (acc 1) 4 > (acc 1) 5 > (acc 10) 15 > (acc 0) 15 ====== (2010-1-17) Muddy is compliant with bootstrap-scheme v0.12 <
> (2010-1-16) Currently the code is compliant with bootstrap-scheme v0.11 **License** MIT License <
> I give permission to wiki users to copy & paste the code in this wiki. **Comments** [pmarin]. Enjoy!!! ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Language] |% !!!!!!