if 0 {July 15th 2004 - [MG] After a quick search of the Wiki, I couldn't find a page explaining how to do this, so thought I'd knock something up myself. On a [canvas] widget, if you have an item which you want to move, it's simple enough to do; ''$widget move $item $xAmount $yAmount''. But, if you want the movement to be animated - so that the item moves a bit at a time - it's a little more difficult. This is something I wanted for my [Spider Solitaire] game, so that the cards could be dealt in a slightly more noticable fashion; once I finish this page and get around to adding it to the game, you can see it for a working implimentation. (Hence the example :) The proc below works so that the item on the canvas moves an even amount (by both X and Y) every time. The variables passed to it are $c (the path to the canvas widget), $item (the ID of the item on the canvas, returned by ''canvas create''), $tox and $toy (the x and y coords to move to, respectively), $time (how long to wait between each move), and $steps, which can be moved to speed it up more (see below). $steps works like this: if you're moving from coords 0 0 to coords 100 50, by default it'll move one x coordinate and half a y coordinate at a time: to 1 .5, 2 1, 3 1.5, etc. $steps will be multiplied by the default amount; so, with $steps set to 4, it'll move to 4 2, 8 4, 12 6, and so on. (No, explaining things I code isn't my strong point;) Anyway, here's the code. :) } # Mike Griffiths, July 15th 2004. # Move an item on a canvas from one coordinate set to another, animated. proc cMove {c item tox toy {time 25} {steps 1}} { scan [$c coords $item] "%s %s" origx origy set diffx [expr {abs($origx-$tox)}] set diffy [expr {abs($origy-$toy)}] if { $diffx > $diffy } { set stepy [expr {$steps*1}] ; set stepx [expr {$steps*(double($diffx) / $diffy)}] } else { set stepx [expr {$steps*1}] ; set stepy [expr {$steps*(double($diffy) / $diffx)}] } set dirx ">" ; set diry ">" if { $origx > $tox } { set stepx [expr {$stepx*-1}] ; set dirx "<" } if { $origy > $toy } { set stepy [expr {$stepy*-1}] ; set diry "<" } while {1} { scan [$c coords $item] "%s %s" nowx nowy if { [expr {round(($nowx-$tox)+($nowy-$toy))}] == 0 } {return;} if { [expr {round($nowx-$tox)}] == 0 } { set stepx 0 } elseif " [expr {$nowx+$stepx}] $dirx $tox " { set stepx [expr {$tox-$nowx}] } if { [expr {round($nowy-$toy)}] == 0 } { set stepy 0 } elseif " [expr {$nowy+$stepy}] $diry $toy " { set stepy [expr {$toy-$nowy}] } $c move $item $stepx $stepy update idletasks after $time } };# cMove if 0 { And a small demo... } pack [canvas .c -height 500 -width 500 -bg "dark green"] image create photo myimg -format gif -data { R0lGODlhRwBgAKEAAH//1AAAAP////8AACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABHAGAAAAL/BIKpy+0PYzBH2I uz3rz7L0wBSJamiZzquqbawMZyOL7zfbrYwOP+p7vwYL+iJijo9YxMWkZJbBaDy2RUiqMOh9if bgvuZmvW51XMcm2FXHRM3bZW3SokfUq+G+36MRsW15dTs7YmOGgBZnhYAqd4xujhqBjZSPZYab mzmAmUJ9ep+RQqStryaVqaioK66umKCKsqK9lKe2R7i8Gnu5vb6wTMwStMLLPI6WdESen1u4KJ 6WMM/Sit/GN9fUOtot2M7fMdNv1cPY7HND7HbX5uvef+Tp4ute3cRR8vFrjP39XtVkBaA2UVhH XQVcJVC1M1NPWQVMRQEztVzHTxDqSMYm76ceTH6SOWayKbaLNQUh28YLROspRVqE1KlYCqzLxz k05ONztnIJMp79DPJT19nrEZVOjKl7C2FTXKxlcvKBmeQmVn1ejGpJH6MW25IavPsFwZlnVYQV hVChLaun3b1kABADs=} set item [.c create image 100 100 -image myimg -anchor center] cMove .c $item 250 375 10 if 0 { ---- [[[Category Animation]]] (kind of:) | [[[Canvas]]]] }