a.k.a [Windows], the most widespread family of ''end-user'' operating systems on the planet, produced by [Microsoft] Corporation. ''(There may be other operating systems in widespread use in [embedded] devices where they are not visible to the end users.)'' This is more of a general platform than a single operating system - the differences between Windows 3.x and Windows XP are dramatic. This Wiki has a fair amount of information on the subject of [Microsoft Windows and Tcl] and [Microsoft Windows and Tk]. Interfacing to [Windows/CE], recently renamed [PocketPC], is something of a special case - but great fun! [RS] See [Word reaper] for a way to extract the plain text from a word document via [DDE]. ---- "Despite being '''closed source''', holes are discovered '''constantly'''. " [http://m.bacarella.com/papers/secsoft/html/index.html] ---- [RS] 2005-09-21 '''UNC name from drive letter:''' This windows-specific function parses the output of ''net use'' and returns the remote name as a forward-slashed UNC path, or "" if something went wrong: proc net_use drive { if ![catch {exec net use $drive} res] { foreach line [split $res \n] { if {[set pos [string first \\ $line]]>0} { return [file norm [string range $line $pos end]] } } } } % net_use h: //kstbf05/SuchRich$ ---- ''[escargo] 21 Sep 2005'' - One of the reasons for dealing with MS Windows is to interoperate with '''closed source''' software, especially software whose document storage formats are not well known. Here are some pages that deal with interoperating with MS Windows (applications and system): '''Excel''' (a spread-sheet application) * [excel xml] * [Excel] * [Tcom examples for Microsoft Excel] * [How to launch a Tcl program from Excel] '''PowerPoint''' (a presentation application) * [Perspecta] * [SlideDraw] * [A simple slideshow] * [slideshow] * [Slideshow of words for teaching reading] '''COM''' (the '''C'''omponent '''O'''bject '''M'''odel) * [COM] * [tcom] * [Matthias Hoffmann - Tcl-Code-Snippets - tcom & wmi - Examples] * [Tcom examples for Microsoft Excel] * [tcom Allows Emacs as Editor for MS Outlook] * [Web automatic testing using TCOM extention] * [Printing DYMO Labels with Tcl and tcom] '''Services''' (the Windows equivalent of [Unix]/[Linux] daemons) * [Services under Microsoft Windows NT] * [Tcl as an NT Service] * [Tclhttpd as a Windows Service] * [tclsvc - Tcl as an NT Service] '''Other''' * [TWAPI] I will leave for another time all the areas that are problematic with Windows. ---- [[ [Category Operating System] | ]]