Version 9 of MicroTcl for Tcl9

Updated 2005-01-06 13:10:42 by lwv

Abstracted from Tcl 9.0 WishList in order to keep that page easier to read

Micro Tcl. It should be made easier to separate out features that are unlikely to be needed in embedded systems. Ideally, only a handful commands like set, while, proc, uplevel, upvar, catch, expr and a reduced version of load should be in the interpreter, with everything else linked in as static packages. The reduced load command could then be used to initialize all the other stuff as needed.

LV - I notice that there is a note at that Karl Lehenbauer mentions they have a micro tcl, but that it isn't quite ready for prime time - perhaps we can once again borrow from the master (Karl was one of the two primary instigators who created Extended Tcl (TclX) and a number of features from that have made their way into Tcl Prime...

DKF - I looked into this once, and the problem is that a lot of the stuff you need to exclude to reduce the size is in fact the core code which can't be excluded anyway. You need namespaces, stubs, i18n, basic value parsing, variables and the interpreter to operate at all. While you could exclude some of it (top targets are the compiler, RE engine, and date string parser) I'm not sure that these would save you enough. Command load itself is not what you need to tackle, but rather functionality weight...

Volker - Ok, the bigger problem here is to leave out things that are hard to port, like i/o and (as you said) the time/date stuff. Leaving out the compiler would be nice to have but it's not a real show stopper when porting tcl to embedded systems.

Chang - My plan is to get all the commands out of the kernel. Then you could add commands in progressive way. parse, i18n, byte code compiler, stubs are included in the kernel.

Volker - Looks great! Then we could use the parser and set up our very own two or three supported user commands.

Vince - once the new VFS support has been added to the core (TIP 17), it should be very straightforward to remove all filesystem stuff from the micro-kernel.

JCW again - Now that Critcl exists, it has become easier to start modularizing the core. As an example, "xre" in CritLib [L1 ] takes all of the regex/regsub code out and turns it into a loadable extension. Names have been changed to xregex/xregsub. That's over 10,000 lines of C, and about 1/8th of the Tcl binary code. See

Larry Smith - It occurs to me that using tcc in a version of critcl along with a small core of functions would provide a tiny interpreter with the ability to bootstrap into today's tcl and beyond. The bytecode compiler could be eliminated. Anyone wishing speed would code in inline-C, most functions would simply be interpreted tcl.

PWQ 6 Dec 04 , There are two distinct classes of embedded system. The most common definition is a device with 64M ram, a 200MHz processor, running a mutitasking OS like Linux or WinCE. In this case there is little point reducing the size of TCL. The effort would be better spent in making TCL faster on these systems due to the lower clock rate compared to desktop PC's.

The second are micro-processor systems with limited RAM (10K to 1M), a processor clocking at 4-20MHz, with RealTime OS or no os ar all.

In the latter case , there is no point trying to shoehorn TCL into these systems as they just won't fit. TinyTCL is more able to be accomodated due to the string based approach. However string manipulations are not going to cut it on a processor with such a slow clock rate.

These systems need a hand crafted interpeter optimised for the resource set and task at hand. The Tcl_Obj structure would need some serious trimming to make a practical application.

My own efforts have settled on a variable length header, much like that used in Smalltalk. This way we have the most efficient object store with only a small amount of extra processing.

UK PWQ your second is actually the third type. The second type has ~4-16M Ram and Flash and one of SC400/SC520 MC68000/10/20/30/40 or ARM7 or MIPS CPU. With Linux and one of the RealTime extensions these are perfect for net-enabled Instruments. I have build Spektrometers and Dish Antenna Controllers with these. A small footprint TCL would be perfect for these.

See also Small Tcl

Category Discussion