My name is Michael A. Cleverly. My first introduction to Tcl came by reading [Philip Greenspun]'s [BOOK Database Backed Web Sites]. I feel in love with Tcl almost immediately. I'm the author of the [nstcl] package, that reimplements some of the most useful APIs from [AOLserver] and the [OpenACS] toolkit. One of the nicest features of AOLserver is its DB-independent [Database Interface]. nstcl wraps existing Tcl database extensions, such as [Oratcl], [Sybtcl], [Tclodbc], etc. into an AOLserver-style interface. In August of 2002 I wrote [burrow] to create a persistent and resilient [tunnel] between two hosts. I also finally remembered to package up ''Sandcrab'' [], a Tk utility I wrote during the 2002 Winter Olympics to scour a website looking for broken links. In September of 2002 I attended the Tcl/Tk conference in Vancouver. In October of 2002 I released [TclMML]. In November of 2002 I finally got irritated with my browsers apparent 4,096 byte limit on copying & pasting (which makes it hard to copy and paste large chunks of code from the Wiki), so I wrote [wiki-reaper] (another example of [An HTTP robot in Tcl] I suppose) to simplify matters. In January of 2003 I wrote [CkChat] a [ck] ([curses]) implementation of [TkChat] for the [Tcl Chatroom]. In April of 2003 I decided I'd finally take a stab at [Learning XOTcl]. In May of 2003 I created a couple of packages to help me create GUI apps (which I have never done much work with) faster. 1. a new version of ''tdg'' (see [Using Snit to make Tk DOM Glue]) 1. ''pdmenus'' (see [Pull down menus in XML]) 1. ''xml2gui'' Some of the pages I've written for the Wiki: * [crypt in pure tcl] * [Validating Credit Card Check Digits] * [Converting numbers from arbitrary bases] * [An HTTP robot in Tcl] * [Finding distances by querying MapQuest] * [wiki-reaper] * [Editing the Tcl'ers Wiki using an editor of your choice] * [Using Snit to make Tk DOM Glue] * [CkChat] * [Pull down menus in XML] My homepage is at ---- [[ [Category Home Page] | [Category Person] ]]