Version 5 of Mavrig

Updated 2011-11-28 00:39:51 by Jorge

Mavrig is the name of a website, where modules - called rigs - are collected for easy re-use.

On a post from jcw's weblog [L1 ], I found a reference to Mavrig, then I wanted to try it with my PC running XP.
For the record, this is what I did:
1) download the tclkit for WXP from [L2 ], I understand you have to use version 8.5.x
2) download mavrig from [L3 ]
3) I copied the downloaded tclkit to the m4 folder on the mavrig file structure
4) I got the following error when launching the local mavrig website:

 hook main.Run failed: could no create new link "0.x-new/jcw/Akismet,tcl:<<br>>
 target ../../contrib/jcw/0.x/Akismet.tcl doesn't exist"<<br>>