Version 20 of MajaMaja

Updated 2011-07-03 04:15:23 by jorge

SEH -- 1/18/05 -- MajaMaja is a web content manager developed in Tcl [L1 ]. MajaMaja is able to structure and layout a website arranging a wide variety of materials. To use MajaMaja:

  • arrange your material in a structure of directories of arbitrary complexity, starting from a given directory that will act as the root directory of your website;
  • each directory can contain a completely structured ready-made set of web pages or a heterogeneous set of files;
  • launch MajaMaja.tcl in your root directory;

MajaMaja generates a complete website, from the home page to the leaf nodes, indexing all the above materials.

Very impressive looking!

escargo 10 Mar 2005 - but I did not see any download directory anywhere.

Peter Newman 12 March 2005: Yes it's the best directory tree lister I've seen (visually, at least; the results look great). I emailed the author re. the code about one month ago, but got no response.

However, although it doesn't say so on the MajaMaja page, the source is here [L2 ]. In other words, it's in the file majamaja.tcl - which is in the same directory as the MajaMaja html file (index.html).

Whether that's the latest or a working version though, I don't know. I only downloaded it yesterday, and haven't got it working yet.

OOPS! I just tried that link, and it no longer works. I can email you a copy if you want.

(What the author's intentions are, re. licensing, is a bit unclear at the moment.)

SEH -- I emailed the author too and got no response. I'd love to have a look at the code, if you'd mail it to me I'd appreciate it. Maybe we can create a groundswell the author can't resist.

Peter Newman 14 March 2005: SEH, I just emailed that file to you. Let me know if you don't get it, because I just changed my ISP, and have been having problems with email delivery.

Daniele Paolo Scarpazza -- 29 September 2006: Hi everyone. I am the author. I really apologize for the lack of support, documentation and answers to e-mails. I really had no time to do that before. I have updated the webpage, provided a sort of distribution zipfile, and a tentative documentation for it. Thanks for your understanding.

JM 2 Jul 2011 I found that there is also an experimental blog feature, which is activated if your create a folder (empty) named "_MajaMaja_blog_", blog entries must be named like this on the root directory:

  • blog-2011-06-05.htt
  • blog-yyyy-mm-dd.htt