Version 8 of MS SQL Server

Updated 2006-12-14 20:39:17

What package can I use to connect to MS SQL Server through Tcl?

  • TclODBC [L1 ] might be an option.
  • TclSQL [L2 ] is an option. This C++ based extension currently only works with Windows based platforms.

TP TclODBC is not only an option, but a working solution. The other pieces that are required are:

Many main stream Linux distributions already ship unixODBC (RedHat, for one). Compiling unixODBC is fairly easy, just

  ./configure ;  make ;  make install  

FreeTDS started as a project to provide open source drivers for Sybase. Since MS SQL Server is a re-write of Sybase (MS SQL 7.0 and later; 6.5 and early versions were a direct port of Sybase 4.2), the FreeTDS drivers include protocol specific variances to handle MS SQL Server. The trick is to configure FreeTDS as

  ./configure --with-tdsver=7.0 ;  make ;  make install

Use --with-tdsver=8.0 for newest MS SQL Servers.

Compile and install TclODBC.

You'll need to have both a FreeTDS freetds.conf file entry, and an unixODBC odbc.ini file entry to define your MS SQL Server. See the docs for each product.

These are Unix/Linux instructions; if you are already on a Windows box, it should be as simple as just compiling (or installing a pre built-) TclODBC.

The SQL Server Express edition is available at no charge [ ).

Category Database