[HJG] This variation of [Lotto] by [RS] writes a log of each drawing to the console, compares the drawing to the tip, and counts the matching numbers. ---- ##-##################################################################### # Lotto2.tcl - 2005-06-05 # # Todo: # * clicking on the numbers should set/reset the numbers in the tip # * use a text-widget or listview for the log # * Statistics (frequency of drawn numbers, winnings...) proc main {} { set dx 15 set dy 15 pack [canvas .c -width [expr {$dx*8}] -height [expr {$dy*8}] -bg gray77] set x $dx; set y $dy foreach i [iota1 49] { # .c create text $x $y -text $i if [lsearch $::MyTip $i]>=0 { .c create text $x $y -text $i -fill white } else { .c create text $x $y -text $i -fill black } if {$i%7} { incr x $dx } else {set x $dx; incr y $dy} } button .b -text "Draw" -command {draw .c} pack .b bind .c <1> {click .c} } proc click w { set i [$w itemcget current -text] #if $i<1 return ;# ?? check if $i exists puts "Click: [winfo pointerx $w] [winfo pointery $w] : $i" $w itemconfigure current -fill red #... } proc draw w { global DrawNr MyTip incr DrawNr $w delete marked set numbers [iota1 49] foreach i [iota1 6] { set n [ldraw numbers] lappend lucky $n #circle $w [$w bbox [ldraw numbers]] red circle $w [$w bbox $n] red update idletasks #after 500 after 50 } set lucky [lsort -integer $lucky] set n [ldraw numbers] lappend lucky $n circle $w [$w bbox $n] yellow $w lower marked puts -nonewline "[ format "%5d: " $DrawNr ]" for {set i 0} {$i<=6} {incr i} { puts -nonewline "[format [expr {$i==6 ? "- %2d" : "%2d "}] [lindex $lucky $i] ]" } #puts -nonewline " Matches: " set win 0 for {set i 0} {$i<=6} {incr i} { set z [lindex $lucky $i] if [lsearch $::MyTip $z]>=0 { # puts -nonewline "[format "%2d " $z]" incr win } } #puts " Win: $win ." puts " Win: [string repeat [string index "_...*!$$$" $win] $win]" if $win>3 { bell } } proc circle {w coords color} { $w create oval $coords -fill {} -outline $color -width 2 -tag marked } #------------------ Generally useful functions: proc iota1 n { set res {} for {set i 1} {$i<=$n} {incr i} {lappend res $i} set res } proc ldraw _list { upvar 1 $_list list set pos [expr {int(rand()*[llength $list])}] K [lindex $list $pos] [set list [lreplace $list $pos $pos]] } proc K {a b} {set a} #---------------------------------------------------- lappend MyTip 1 8 11 15 47 49 16 set DrawNr 0 catch {console show} puts "Lotto" puts "MyTip: $MyTip" main ---- [RS]: For the question of how to identify the number under the cursor: [canvas] items receive unique integer identifiers, starting from 1. So if the 49 numbers are the first items created, their identifiers are the same as their numeric values, and the number under the cursor can be retrieved by $w find withtag current (as the ''current'' tag goes temporarily to the item under the cursor). A more robust way, not depending on canvas object creation order, might be $w itemcget current -text which of course returns the displayed string of a text item (and throws an error on others). [HJG] Ok, that helps me another step forward. But now I have trouble checking the existance of a variable (proc click), e.g. when the click does not hit one of the text-widgets. ---- [Category Toys]