Version 59 of Larry Virden

Updated 2007-01-19 18:53:13 by LV

My name is Larry W. Virden (aka LV here on the Wiki and lvirden many places around the internet and sometimes seen as lwv on wikit page modifications, etc.).

My most commonly updated web page is . My home web site is . My Tcl web site is . My most common email address is mailto:[email protected]

I maintain a blog at . I don't do a lot of babbling about Tcl there - right now, it's more my daily aches and pains, as well as discussions about my kids - having 3 teenagers tends to dominate one's vision. What that means - I've no idea at this time ;-) .

If you have Tcl applications, extensions, routines, documentation, articles, or general information that you provide (freely or commercially) on the internet, let me know at the above address and I will add it to the FAQ. Or add them here at the wiki - as I consider it to be a great community resource.

At home, I have primarily Macintoshes - many 68k based - for use. However, During 2006 I inherited a working G3 or G4. Now I have to figure the best way to upgrade it to MacOS X and how to safely connect to the net.

(As of winter 2003, a Christmas gift of a Win98 machine was made to a member of the family - but due to lack of resources and concern about security, it isn't on the web).

So I typically surf the web via a telnet window on my SPARC Sunblade. and use lynx or Mozilla as the browser.

At work, I use Solaris 9 on my SunBlade 1500.

I use Tcl/Tk 8.5a6 or 8.4.14 as much as I can. At work, I use tclkit, ASPN Tcl, and the source codes...

Currently at work I have the following Tcl books on my desk:

My personal copies:

  • Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
  • Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell
  • Web Tcl Complete
  • Tcl/Tk Programmer's Reference
  • Programming Expect
  • CGI Developer's Resource
  • Effective Tcl/Tk Programming

and I've loaned out, somewhere, my itcl book . ARRRGGGG! I can't figure out to whom this was loaned... which means that I don't have it any longer. This is TERRIBLE. I need another copy!

Company copies of:

  • Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (first edition)
  • Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (second edition)

At home, I have copies of

  • Tcl and the Tk Toolkit
  • Effective Tcl/Tk Programming
  • Interactive Web Applications With Tcl/Tk
  • Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk (fourth edition)

I don't recall but I don't think I have any of the others yet.

Things to think about:

Anyone who has used Tcl and feels it has contributed positively to them should take a little time and contribute back. Contributions can range from making code that you have written available, to submitting bug reports, patches and improvements to , to updating Wiki pages, etc.

Many times people complain about how Tcl works. It usually sounds like they are expecting Tcl to act in a manner similar to some other language. They generally sound frustrated, sometimes with threats to move off to some other language.

Unfortunately, I am uncertain which other language to recommend to them. Some want a scripting language which cares less about white space than Tcl. I suppose I could recommend Perl. Sometimes they seek languages which enforce variable naming or provide tighter scoping. I could probably recommend Python. Unfortunately that requires a particular physical code layout style, but might be able to do the rest of what they want.

I do wish them all good luck finding a scripting language that is fast, flexible, enforcing the level of strictness desired, but permitting one to code in in their own personal style. It's a holy grail that programmers sometimes spend significant portions of their lives seeking. Many will tell you that this language, or that one, has satisfied them. In my own personal quest, I have yet to find the ultimate solution.

I am lvirden on the Tcl'ers Chat Tcl Chatroom.

The TkChat application in tclapps module of tcllib on SourceForge is available for users to join in the fun of the chat room.

I wouldn't even begin to guess how many of the 1600+ pages on this wiki I have either started or contributed a lot to - it would not be modest to mention I would guess... (and if my family ever saw, I would be in big trouble for spending so much time here...)

In a recent DevSource article about dynamic (scripting) languages (with contributions by our own CL and JH), the PHP author (another Larry) had a description that read something like:

"When Larry's not writing or programming, he spends his time napping and daydreaming about napping."

That is likely to be the legacy I leave my kids...

Sigh. I am feeling a bit sad this week. For the first time in probably a dozen or more years, I'll not have some form of Unix workstation at my desk. Instead, I'm saddled with the painfulness of using Windows XP and Exceed to get to Unix. The managers think this is sufficient - they obviously don't use their desktops much...

Ideas for Tcl/Tk

Here's a couple of images for Larry to use when marking broken links in the wiki - stevel Wikignomes - you may feel free to use these as well!

Wrote a bot ("OrphanBot"), will now make a new one for local DB inspection, but got told you might find it interesting anyway: Orphans - gg

Merry Christmas to all! And Happy Holidays as well!

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