MB: This is a simple mega-widget to display largest files than a given limit. It is based on snit, on the fileutil package and on the hrfilesize package, which can be found one the [file size] page. The icons are given by the excellent [icons] package. The user can customize : * the directory in which the search in done, * the file size limit, * the file size unit (B, KB, MB, etc...), * the file size limiter : min/max. It should be able to handle large files over than 2 GB, but I did not check that. I use it to make some space on my hard drives. # # largestfilesview # A mega-widget to display files larger/lesser than a given limit. # # Copyright: Michael Baudin, 2008, michael.baudin@gmail.com # package require snit package require hrfilesize package require Tk package require fileutil package require BWidget package provide largestfilesview 1.0 snit::widget largestfilesview { variable wtext variable imageopen variable directoryname [pwd] variable sizelimit 1 variable sizelimitunit MB variable sizeoperator min variable imagerun option -directoryentrywith -default 70 constructor {} { set imageopen [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhGAAYAIYAAPwCBJTW7IzK7HS23Gyi1FSOxKTi9Jzi9JzW9ITG5GSi zDx2tCxirBRClKTi/BxOnAQ6jAxClER6vBxy5CRy5Hyu5HSu5AQibDSK1DyK 1DSC1Gym5CyCzCR2zCxqzCRqxGSm3Iy67GSm5GSi3Byu7AQ2jFSe3BxyxEyW 3ByW3ITS9ITS7AxqvESS1GTC7AQ6lFya1BSCzEyy7ESy5CR25EyS3BRmxCyi 3Bx2zDSi5FSKzAxatBRavFx6tLzK5Ky+3LTG5MzW7Mza9NTi9OTq9PT2/FyO zLTC5LzO7PTy/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAYABgAAAf/gACCg4MBAgMEBYSLjIIGBwgJAwoFCwwADY2LDgaMlg8Q moOdmgwPEaKpABKmqI0TFLGqmhQVFrcXs4sTFhgZGMAXwsPDmrwayMnKyrmM ExscHRweH9TUHx8T1djcoQATIB3iEyEiIiAb5yMiGyQHBvAlghMmJx0fFiYo Jvr8/ikqVqiQN8/EBxYeNqBogaIhw4YYUriY+GLQBBgs6KGI0QJZCmUtYsiY 4U0QjRo2PpjokCxGSw0xYtwgQXBejQ81xOHosJPnBJ40WOSoKYiCjg87eOxY qnSpU6cVCU3Q0cPHDyBXfQQJImQIESJFikSVauTI1RBHfCBBIkTI17BFJYjO s4rVqg+tXL0SSSJX0IsSf/9CKDH4BYTAhHUpXsy4MSFwgQAAIf5oQ3JlYXRl ZCBieSBCTVBUb0dJRiBQcm8gdmVyc2lvbiAyLjUNCqkgRGV2ZWxDb3IgMTk5 NywxOTk4LiBBbGwgcmlnaHRzIHJlc2VydmVkLg0KaHR0cDovL3d3dy5kZXZl bGNvci5jb20AOw== }] set imagerun [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAIYAAPwCBFxWlDw6fExGhJyezDw2dFRSlHx6tISCtGRenFxe nGxqpHRurIR+tJSOxIyKvNTS7GRinDQ2dFRWlCwqZExGjGxupIyOvJSOvJSS xMzO5HRyrMTC5OTi9LS23KSezKSizLSu1DQydKyqzLSy1KSi1Kyq1Kyu1MS+ 5Ly63MzK7IyGvFxWnMS+3MzK5FROjExOjNza7ISCvGxmpMTC3Kym1GRmpHx2 rMzG5NTO7IyKxExKjMTG5PTu/JyazOTe9Pz6/Ozm9Pz2/Pz+/JyaxPT2/Fxa nNzW7Ozu/Nza9AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAAA LAAAAAAWABYAAAf/gACCg4MBAoMDBISLiwUDBgIGAwcICYyMBQYKCwwHDQ4P EBGXABITFBUVEwoWCBcYGRoZBYwSAgMCGxwdEB4ODh8gIRmHi7ciIx0kGQ8X IB8lJicoEBbGAikqICsMLAICJCEhKS0uLi+DEjAIMRkyCgIigjMkKTQuEBAG ggUJLzE1HiQoJsiGPRUQYtD4EClChBsQMswgKGgDCoQuanx48M2ChQw4EFAE wIBGDgg4QOhgkMDUggMHcNyQN2gDjXwdQDywEU/Qjgc6ShwgyIAHzh4lGAhQ MAiGDh8fTAwAsMBmvh8dgLiIIIHQBKgmTHCwgANfjA5BhAyBAIMQkWDRWVKk 4IAPaxEgQ3CYIBKAkBEOKjikwKHiSAwcJEx0cGEiww0KixZ8yAABXwcOG2/c yACCwQ6ahHBl6IAkicqJAgZSGJkOQAMXKD4o7Uvq0gRmA2vXttVVN51AACH+ aENyZWF0ZWQgYnkgQk1QVG9HSUYgUHJvIHZlcnNpb24gMi41DQqpIERldmVs Q29yIDE5OTcsMTk5OC4gQWxsIHJpZ2h0cyByZXNlcnZlZC4NCmh0dHA6Ly93 d3cuZGV2ZWxjb3IuY29tADs= }] } destructor { image delete $imageopen image delete $imagerun } # # draw -- # Draw the dialog # method draw {} { # # The toolbar contains buttons # set toolbar [frame $win.toolbar] pack $toolbar -anchor nw button $toolbar.diropen \ -image $imageopen \ -relief flat \ -command [mymethod opendirectory] button $toolbar.runsearch \ -image $imagerun \ -relief flat \ -command [mymethod searchfiles] pack $toolbar.diropen $toolbar.runsearch -anchor nw -side left # # Pack an entry to display the directory name # set directorybar [frame $win.directorybar] pack $directorybar -anchor nw label $directorybar.dirnamelabel \ -text "Directory:" entry $directorybar.dirnameentry \ -textvariable [myvar directoryname] \ -width $options(-directoryentrywith) pack $directorybar.dirnamelabel $directorybar.dirnameentry -anchor nw -side left # # Pack widgets to set the (min,max), file size unit, and file size limit # set sizebar [frame $win.sizebar] pack $sizebar -anchor nw label $sizebar.sizelabel \ -text "Size:" tk_optionMenu $sizebar.sizeunitom \ [myvar sizelimitunit] \ B KB MB GB TB EB tk_optionMenu $sizebar.sizeoperator \ [myvar sizeoperator] \ min max scale $sizebar.sizescale \ -from 1 \ -to 1000 \ -variable [myvar sizelimit] \ -orient horizontal \ -showvalue 0 \ -resolution 1 entry $sizebar.sizeentry \ -textvariable [myvar sizelimit] pack $sizebar.sizelabel $sizebar.sizeoperator \ $sizebar.sizeunitom $sizebar.sizescale $sizebar.sizeentry -anchor nw -side left # # Pack a scrollable text to log messages # ScrolledWindow $win.scrolltext pack $win.scrolltext set wtext [text $win.thetext \ -wrap none] $win.scrolltext setwidget $wtext } # # opendirectory -- # Let the user select the directory to explore # method opendirectory {} { set dirname [tk_chooseDirectory \ -initialdir $directoryname] if {$dirname!=""} then { set directoryname $dirname } } # # searchfiles -- # Search the files matching the criteria. # method searchfiles {} { $self log "Searching files in $directoryname..." # # Compute the list of files # set listoffiles [::fileutil::find $directoryname [mymethod filterfile]] set nbfiles [llength $listoffiles] $self log "Number of files over the minimum : $nbfiles" # # Sort files by size # set datatosort {} foreach filename $listoffiles { set size [file size $filename] set data [list $filename $size] lappend datatosort $data } set sorteddata [lsort -decreasing -index 1 -integer $datatosort] # # Display the sorted files matching the filter # foreach data $sorteddata { set filename [lindex $data 0] set size [lindex $data 1] set hrsize [hrfilesize::bytestohr $size] $self log "$hrsize \t $filename " } } # # filterfile -- # Returns 1 if the file is to keep in the list or 1 if the file is to # exclude from the list. # method filterfile {filename} { set isfile [file isfile $filename] if {$isfile==0} then { set filter 0 } else { set size [file size $filename] set hrfilesize [hrfilesize::bytestohr $size] set hrsizelimit "$sizelimit $sizelimitunit" set compare [hrfilesize::compare $hrfilesize $hrsizelimit] switch -- $sizeoperator { "min" { set filter [expr {$compare>=0}] } "max" { set filter [expr {$compare<=0}] } default { error "Unknown size operator $sizeoperator" } } } return $filter } # # log -- # Display the given message on the text widget # method log {msg} { $wtext insert end "$msg\n" $wtext see end } } An here is a simple client. # # largestfilesview-gui # A sample testcase for the largestfilesview mega-widget. # lappend ::auto_path hrfilesize-1.1 lappend ::auto_path largestfilesview-1.0 package require largestfilesview set dialog [largestfilesview create .mydialog] pack $dialog $dialog draw ---- See also: * [Windows file finder] * [file size] ---- [Category File]